Intercalated BSc in Prehospital Medicine
Please note: When applying to BSc Prehospital Medicine particular attention will be paid to relevant experience, knowledge and commitment as shown in your personal statement and interview.
Prehospital Medicine is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to the treatment of injury and illness outside hospital. An innovative and growing field, it has recently been recognised as a sub-specialty by the GMC.
This programme will provide students contemplating a career in prehospital medicine with a strong foundation in the science and practical skills required for success in the sub speciality, which are also highly relevant to other acute care specialties. Further, it will provide students with significant grounding in inter-professional working, leadership and governance.
The programme was created - and will be run in partnership - with London’s Air Ambulance; and will be delivered and supervised by staff from London’s Air Ambulance, and The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Teaching will also be given by other experts in prehospital medicine and related disciplines.
The taught modules will cover Applied Sciences, Resuscitation Science and Trauma Science as related to prehospital medicine; as well as Integrated Topics regarding the fundamental principles for operating safely and effectively as part of a team in a prehospital environment. A Clinical Applications Module will enable students to learn through placements with prehospital medicine providers, and by otherwise engaging with clinicians and professionals concerned with the management and prevention of critical injury and illness. Finally, each student will undertake a substantial, supervised Research Project on a relevant science or social science topic.
Please note the Prehospital Medicine BSc is only open to those students who have completed at least three years of their MBBS programme or equivalent. Second year medical students or students on a dental or veterinary programme should not apply for this course.
Programme Directors
Prof Danë Goodsman (first point of contact). Professor of Prehospital Medical Education
- Email:
- Address: Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, CME. Rm 2.10. Garrod Building, Turner Street, London E1 2AD, UK
Dr Gareth Grier. Consultant in Emergency Medicine, The Royal London Hospital; Consultant and Flight Doctor, London’s Air Ambulance
Structure & timing (The order of these may be subject to change through revised Covid regulations from the Government)
- Applied Sciences Module – Autumn term (15 credits)
- Resuscitation Science Module – Spring term (15 credits)
- Trauma Science Module – Spring term (15 credits)
- Integrated Topics Module – Autumn & Spring Term (30 credits)
- Clinical Applications Module – Autumn & Spring Term (15 credits)
- Research Project Module – Autumn & Spring Term (30 credits)
Summary of content
Applied Sciences Module
In this module students will acquire a detailed understanding of pathophysiological processes in acutely ill patients and knowledge of anatomy related to case studies in prehospital medicine. Core topics include applied anatomy, pharmaco-toxicology, applied haematology and applied physiology. Students will learn about, and be able to demonstrate, a detailed knowledge of normal and abnormal physiology at the accident scene, and in the hyperacute stages of illness.
Resuscitation Science Module
In this module students will develop a detailed understanding of key aspects of resuscitation science and the ability to describe and comment upon current research in the discipline. In addition, they will develop the qualities and transferable skills necessary to make decisions in complex and unpredictable contexts; and learn how to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions in support of resuscitation strategies to a varied audience, including peers and subject specialists.
Trauma Science Module
This module will cover the principles of disease surveillance and screening, and health promotion; epidemiological understandings of demography and biological variability; causes and mechanisms of disease, including normal structure and function of the major systems and how they interrelate; the molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms important in maintaining haemostasis; the alteration in structure and function of the body and its major systems consequent upon injury; and pharmacological principles of novel drug treatments in trauma patients.
Integrated Topics Module
This module covers the following topics as they relate to the prehospital environment: Human factors influencing medical practice, through consideration of the interpersonal physiological and psychological aspects of human capability and the psychological impact of prehospital care on both service receivers and deliverers; effective inter-professional learning and working; leadership and team-building; governance and quality management; and education practices and processes.
Clinical Applications Module
This module will enable students to reinforce and supplement their classroom learning by completing a required number of shifts with selected pre-hospital medicine providers; and by engaging with clinicians and professionals in other services routinely encountering critical injury and illness--for example hospital, ambulance, fire and rescue, and police services. Students will learn about special topics in prevention and management of critical injury, for instance through visits to automobile and medical equipment manufacturers, and/or by attending a large sporting event. Students will record their learnings from this module in a portfolio and deliver presentations on cases they have seen.
Research Project Module
The research project will cover a science or social science topic related to the programme that is of special interest to the student. The final output will be an 8,000-word dissertation.
Principles and Values
Over the course of the year students are expected to become, as a group, a 'community of learners', whereby, through sharing and collaboration you will all benefit from the efforts of each other. This process requires students to consider their interactions with colleagues and the team, to demonstrate respect for others, to engage in personal professional development which will include leadership, followership and team skills.
The processes of the course are to enable students to develop insights into their own strengths and weaknesses, to reflect on their own work and practices - and to improve these - to deal with uncertainty, and to enhance their academic and problem solving abilities. Alongside these specific personal attributes we expect you to also develop your understandings and skills as leaders and team members.
As an organising group for this programme we adhere to the following set of values and principles:
- Transparent – our processes aim to be open and transparent.
- Collaborative – we are a learning organisation that aims to listen and learn from all who are engaged with our endeavours.
- Just culture – we endeavour to treat everyone fairly and to benefit and learn from any errors.
Entry requirements
The programme will be open to post 3rd/4th year MBBS or GEP students who have passed all years to date on the MBBS or GEP programme (or equivalent undergraduate award in UK/EU countries). It is not open to those who have previously undertaken an intercalated degree. Normally, no referrals in any of the clinical firm grades where these have been undertaken. Students must have passed their current year in order to take up an offer of a place on an intercalated programme.
Students will submit an application and be interviewed, and will be selected on the basis of academic ranking and interview, in line with the procedure for all SMD intercalated degrees.
With the genuine occupational requirements for this course, guidance for candidates is they should be able to assist with lifting and manoeuvring heavy patients and equipment. Indicative parameters include; carrying 17kgs. up stairs, perform CPR compressions for 2 minutes.
Learning and teaching
A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used including lectures, seminars, PBLs, peer teaching, long-case discussions, placements, field trips, workshops, demonstrations, presentations and skills-based activities. The skills-based work will also include elements such as moulages and the practical management of teaching. Students will need to be self-directed learners and will be encouraged to be proactive in finding areas of interest that they can include in their learning.
The programme will be assessed using a variety of models and processes including; examinations, case presentations, peer teaching inputs, focussed write-ups, essays, portfolio and the project. Please note course structure and assessment methods are subject to change.