Dr Sanjaye Ramgoolam

Reader in Theoretical Physics
Email: s.ramgoolam@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: 020 7882 5799
Room Number: G. O. Jones Building, Room 609
My research is in the areas of string theory, combinatorics and representation theory. My papers are available at Google Scholar
I am currently teaching Mathematical Techniques 4 (Year 3) and Advanced Quantum Field theory (Year 4)
Currently teaching :
- PHY6324 (Mathematical Techniques 4)
- SPA7001U/P (Advanced Quantum Field Theory)
Undergraduate Projects supervised :
- From classical strings to photons and gravtions
- Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion
- Dark Matter, dark energy and cosmology
- Entanglement and decoherence in quantum physics
Modules taught in the past :
- Electromagnetic theory (4th year MSci course)
- Quantum Mechanics and Symmetry (3rd year)
- Electromagnetism for pre-medical (at Brown)
- Quantum Physics (1st year)
Research Interests:
PhD students supervised :
- Costis Papageorgakis
- Tom Brown
- David Turton
- Jurgis Pasukonis
- David Garner
- Paolo Mattioli
- Christopher Lewis-Brown (Current)
- George Barnes
- Adrian Padellaro
Recent post-doctoral collaborators at QMUL :
- Ali Zahabi
- Diego Rodriguez Gomez
- Vishnu Jejjala
- Yusuke Kimura
- Paul Heslop
- Congkao Wen
This is not an exhaustive list and I would be happy to discuss other project possibilities.
Project Title
Combinatorics and Representation Theory in CFT, ADS/CFT, matrix/tensor models.
Symmetric groups and their group algebras, along with concepts in representation theory including Schur-Weyl duality, have been applied to the study of half-BPS states in N=4 SYM theory, in particular to clarify the holographic map of the AdS/CFT correspondence. For full details click here
Public Engagement
Some popular science talks/presentations
- Linguistic Matrix Theory Video.
- Holography, Information and Meaning: Hidden symmetries of Matrix Physics [PDF 3,276KB] - Ps Star talk, 02/2019
- Duality and Emergence in String theory, talk at the Mauritius Diaspora Conference 2018
- Symmetries and Surprises in String Theory (Talk for Psi Star QMUL, December 2013)
- What is String Theory ? (talk at Bryanston School, April 2012)
- Strings and hidden geometries (talk at Inauguration of School of Phys and Astro 2012)
- String Theory and Hidden dimensions of spacetime (talk for Waltham Forest Physics masterclass)
- From force and matter to strings( talk at Highgate school, 2003)
- Strings in the quantum world ( talk at Oxford, 2009 )
- Duality and the nature of quantum space-time : ( talk at Oxford,Jan 2009 )
- Space and Time, Light and Gravity in String Theory ( talk at PPARC 2006)
Some research presentations
- Permutation centralizer?algebras, polynomial invariants and supersymmetric states [PDF 1,066KB](talk at conference on representation theory and physics, Leeds, July 2016)
- BPS states, permutations and information (talk at YITP Kyoto programme on string theory, condensed matter physics and quantum information, June 2016)
- Quantum Field thories (QFTs), quivers and word combinatorics [PDF 4,825KB] (talk at theory group, computer science, EECS, QMUL, Oct. 21, 2015)
- CFT4?(4D?conformal QFT) as TFT2( 2D topological field theory) [PDF 4,438KB] (talk at school of Maths, QMUL, Mar 2, 2015)
- Quiver gauge theory and TFT2s (2d topological field theories) [PDF 8,116KB] (talk at Quantum integrability workshop, Surrey, 08/2014)
- Quantum states to brane geometries via fuzzy moduli space [PDF 517KB] (talk at Oxford Maths Institute, 02/12)
- Permutations, strings and Feynman Graphs [PDF 631KB] ( talk at City Maths Dept, 11/2011)
- Strings, Permutations and Quantum Fields [PDF 476KB] (talk at Corfu2011 workshop on non-commutatve field theory and gravity)
- Symmetric groups and local operators in gauge theory [PDF 499KB] (talk at Lisbon 2011)
- From numbers to strings and branes [PDF 83KB] (talk at Galileo Galilei Institute 2011)
- Feynman Diagrams and Absolute Galois group [PDF 293KB] (talk at B(A)MC 2010)
- Matrix Models, Hurwitz spaces Galois Group [PDF 667KB](talk in Southampton Pure Maths group)
- Fuzzy geometry of membranes in M-theory [PDF 314KB] (talk at Imperial)
Short review articles:
- Permutations and the combinatorics of gauge invariants for general N.
- Schur-Weyl duality and Gauge-string duality (Talk given at "Ten years of AdS/CFT in Argentina,2008)