My teaching
This year I am teaching
Relativity and Gravitation
Past courses
ASTM108/MTH703U Advanced Cosmology
MTH6123 Mathematical aspects of Cosmology
ASTM041 Relativistic Astrophysics
Research Interests:
My research interests
My main research interests lie in applying the General Relativity to Astrophysics, Cosmology and to both space and earth-born experiments.
- Anisotropy and Polarization of CMB generated by Cosmological Gravitational Waves as a chance to probe the primordial gravitational waves by their imprint on the polarization of the CMB.
- Supermassive binary black holes as one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves, evolution of binary systems of massive black holes, formed in the course of galaxy evolution, the interaction of binary black holes with accretion disks and with surrounding stellar clusters.
- Space Radio Interferometry and Pulsar timing constraints on Gravitational Waves. Indirect evidence for gravitational waves, including primordial gravitational waves of cosmological origin.
- The observational constraints on Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) as an independent test of physical conditions in the very early Universe, numerical and analytical studies of relativistic hydrodynamics of black hole formation.