Cosmology and Relativity
Cosmology is the study of the Universe as a whole. Its overall aim is to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos by addressing fundamental questions such as why the Universe is structured in the way that we observe, how did it develop into its current form, what are its basic constituents, and what will happen to it in the future.

Chris Clarkson
Head of Astronomy Unit | Professor of Cosmology
G. O. Jones Building, Room 506

Timothy Clifton
Reader in Relativity and Cosmology
G. O. Jones Building, Room 508
020 7882 7024

Karim Malik
Reader in Theoretical Cosmology
G.O. Jones Building, Room 510
020 7882 3422

David Mulryne
Royal Society University Research Fellow | Reader in Theoretical Cosmology I DPA Director of Teaching and Learning
G. O. Jones Building, Room 512
020 7882 7046

Will Sutherland
Senior Lecturer in Astronomy
G. O. Jones Building, Room 511
020 7882 5986