Antony Lewis (Sussex)
When: Friday, March 15, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: GO Jones 610
Lensing of the CMB and non-Gaussian signals
The cosmic microwave background anisotropies give an observational probe of the very early universe. The power spectrum provides strong constraints on cosmological parameters, but it limited in power by degeneracies and the limited information available. Beyond the power spectrum, non-Gaussian signatures can give much more information about the primordial and late-time universe. I will describe what non-Gaussian signals look like in the observed maps, and how we can use observations to reconstruct the lensing signal (both standard convergence and shear, but also, with large-scale structure probes, lensing rotation). Forthcoming observations such as Simons Observatory should be able to make high precision measurements of the lensing power spectrum and make a first detection of lensing rotation.