Dr Costis Papageorgakis
Head of Physics and Astronomy | Reader in Theoretical Physics | Academic Lead for Employability and Graduate Opportunities
Email: c.papageorgakis@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: 020 7882 5806
Room Number: G. O. Jones Building, Room 608
I am a Reader in Theoretical Physics at the Centre for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy. My work has focussed on various aspects of supersymmetric/superconformal field theories and their relation to String/M-theory.
I hold an undergraduate diploma from the University of Patras (Greece), an MSc from Durham University and a PhD from Queen Mary University of London. I have previously held postdoctoral positions at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (India), King's College London and Rutgers University (USA).
I currently teach the undergraduate course "Quantum Mechanics and Symmetry" over the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.
I am a Fellow of Advance HE.
Research Interests:
(A complete and up to date list of publications with an accurate citation count can also be found at this link)
Papageorgakis C, Niarchos V (2024). Learning S-matrix phases with neural operators.
Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C, Richmond P et al. (2023). Bootstrability in line-defect CFTs with improved truncation methods.
Kántor G, Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C et al. (2023). 6D (2,0) bootstrap with the soft-actor-critic algorithm.
Andriolo E, Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C et al. (2023). Covariantly Constant Anomalies on Conformal Manifolds.
Andriolo E, Lambert N, Orchard T et al. . A path integral for the chiral-form partition function.
Kántor G, Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C (2022). Conformal bootstrap with reinforcement learning.
Kántor G, Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C (2022). Solving Conformal Field Theories with Artificial Intelligence.
Agarwal P, Andriolo E, Kántor G et al. (2021). Macdonald indices for four-dimensional N=3 theories.
Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C, Pini A et al. (2021). (Mis-)matching type-B anomalies on the Higgs branch.
Melnikov IV, Papageorgakis C, Royston AB (2020). Accelerating solitons.
Melnikov IV, Papageorgakis C, Royston AB (2020). Forced Soliton Equation and Semiclassical Soliton Form Factors.
Andriolo E, Lambert N, Papageorgakis C (2020). Geometrical aspects of an Abelian (2,0) action.
Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C, Pomoni E (2020). Type-B anomaly matching and the 6D (2,0) theory.
Kántor G, Papageorgakis C, Richmond P (2020). AdS
7 black-hole entropy and 5D N = 2 Yang-Mills.
Hayling J, Niarchos V, Papageorgakis C (2019). Deconstructing defects.
Hayling J, Panerai R, Papageorgakis C (2018). Deconstructing little strings with N = 1 gauge theories on ellipsoids.
Hayling J, Papageorgakis C, Pomoni E et al. (2017). Exact deconstruction of the 6D (2,0) theory.
Buican M, Hayling J, Papageorgakis C (2016). Aspects of superconformal multiplets in D > 4.
Papageorgakis C, Pini A, Rodríguez-Gómez D (2016). Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of the 5D superconformal index.
Lambert N, Papageorgakis C, Schmidt-Sommerfeld M (2015). Instanton operators in five-dimensional gauge theories.
Buican M, Giacomelli S, Nishinaka T et al. (2015). Argyres-Douglas theories and S-duality.
Buican M, Nishinaka T, Papageorgakis C (2014). Constraints on chiral operators in N=2 SCFTs.
Papageorgakis C, Royston AB (2014). Instanton-soliton loops in 5D super-Yang-Mills.
Papageorgakis C, Royston AB (2014). Revisiting soliton contributions to perturbative amplitudes.
Papageorgakis C, Royston AB (2014). Scalar soliton quantization with generic moduli.
Lambert N, Papageorgakis C, Schmidt-Sommerfeld M (2013). Deconstructing (2,0) proposals.
Bagger J, Lambert N, Mukhi S et al. (2013). Multiple membranes in M-theory.
Lambert N, Nastase H, Papageorgakis C (2012). 5D Yang-Mills instantons from Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena monopoles.
Nastase H, Papageorgakis C (2011). Dimensional reduction of the ABJM model.
Chu X, Nastase H, Nilsson BEW et al. (2011). Higgsing M2 to D2 with gravity: N = 6 chiral supergravity from topologically gauged ABJM theory.
Lambert N, Papageorgakis C, Schmidt-Sommerfeld M (2011). M5-Branes, D4-Branes and quantum 5D super-Yang-Mills.
Papageorgakis C, Sämann C (2011). The 3-Lie algebra (2,0) tensor multiplet and equations of motion on loop space.
Lambert N, Papageorgakis C (2010). Relating U(N) × U(N) to SU(N) × SU(N) Chern-Simons membrane theories.
Nastase H (2010). Bifundamental Fuzzy 2-Sphere and Fuzzy Killing Spinors.
Lambert N, Papageorgakis C (2010). Nonabelian (2,0) tensor multiplets and 3-algebras.
Nastase H, Papageorgakis C (2009). Fuzzy killing spinors and supersymmetric d4 action on the fuzzy 2-sphere from the ABJM model.
Nastase H, Papageorgakis C, Ramgoolam S (2009). The fuzzy S 2 structure of M2-M5 systems in ABJM membrane theories.
Ezhuthachan B, Mukhi S, Papageorgakis C (2009). The power of the Higgs mechanism: Higher-derivative BLG theories.
Ezhuthachan B, Mukhi S, Papageorgakis C (2008). D2 to D2.
Bedford J, Papageorgakis C, Zoubos K (2008). Adding flavour to twistor strings.
Distler J, Mukhi S, Papageorgakis C et al. (2008). M2-branes on M-folds.
Bedford J, Papageorgakis C, Zoubos K (2008). Adding flavour to twistor strings.
Mukhi S, Papageorgakis C (2008). M2 to D2.
Bedford J, Papageorgakis C, Zoubos K (2007). Twistor strings with flavour.
Bedford J, Papageorgakis C, Rodríguez-Gómez D et al. (2007). Big bang and big crunch in matrix string theory.
Papageorgakis C, Ramgoolam S (2006). On time-dependent collapsing branes and fuzzy odd-dimensional spheres.
PAPAGEORGAKIS C (2006). On matrix D-brane dynamics and fuzzy spheres.
McNamara S, Papageorgakis C, Ramgoolam S et al. (2006). Finite N effects on the collapse of fuzzy spheres.
Papageorgakis C, Ramgoolam S, Toumbas N (2006). Noncommutative geometry, quantum effects and DBI-scaling in the collapse of D0-D2 bound states.
Papageorgakis C, Ramgoolam S (2005). Large-small dualities between periodic collapsing/expanding branes and brane funnels.
PhD students:
- James Chryssanthacopoulos (jointly with Dr David Vegh-PhD expected 2028)
- Alexander Stapleton (jointly with Prof. David Berman-PhD expected 2026)
- Mitchell Woolley (PhD expected 2026)
- L. Sidney Baines (jointly with Dr Ulla Blumenschein-PhD expected 2025)
- Enrico Andriolo (PhD 2023)
- Gergely Kántor (PhD 2022)
- Joseph Hayling (PhD 2019)
I am also interested in taking on new students for the following project:
Project Title |
Conformal Field Theories and Artificial Intelligence |
Conformal Field Theories are mathematical descriptions of natural phenomena that look the same at all length scales. They find fundamental applications over a large spectrum of topics ranging from condensed-matter physics, particle physics, string theory and quantum gravity. They are, however, incredibly hard to solve with the exception of a handful of examples.
This project aims to exploit the tremendous recent progress in Artificial Intelligence to solve arbitrary conformal field theories. This will be achieved by utilising machine-learning techniques similar to those used by Google’s DeepMind Technologies when building the AlphaGo programme, which spectacularly beat professional Go champions.
A very good grasp of graduate Quantum Field Theory and supersymmetry, as well as some basic conformal field theory and string theory. Coding experience is desirable.