Dr Devis Di Tommaso

Email: d.ditommaso@qmul.ac.uk
Room Number: Room 1.04, Joseph Priestley Building
Devis studied Chemistry at the University of Trieste and graduated summa cum laude in 2002. He carried out his doctoral studies in the Theoretical Chemistry group headed by Professor Piero Decleva and, in 2006, he successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis with a work on the application and development of density functional theory methods for the study of molecular photoionization processes.
In 2006, Devis conducted postdoctoral research at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in the group of Professor Richard Catlow , where his work focused on theoretical catalysis. As part of a Marie-Curie research and training network, in 2007 he moved to University College London in the group of Professor Nora de Leeuw to work on the development and application of computer simulation methods to investigate the nucleation and growth of metal carbonates from solution. In January 2012 he was awarded a Royal Society Industry Fellowship.
Devis joined Queen Mary in September 2013. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in 2020. Devis group works in the development and application of computational chemistry methods, including machine learning, on topic related to CO2 conversion to value-added chemicals and materials.