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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Dr Hamid Tebyanian



Room Number: G. O. Jones Building, Room 213


Dr Hamid Tebyanian is a quantum physicist specialising in quantum communication and secure technologies. As a Marie Curie Fellow on the European project “Quantum Communication for All” at the University of Geneva, Vigo, and Padova, his research focused on developing practical quantum communication protocols to bring quantum technologies one step closer to users’ backdoors. At ID Quantique Switzerland, he worked on the design and fabrication of multimode fibre-coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs), addressing applications in quantum optics, single-photon imaging, and low-light-level detection. He subsequently contributed to a UK-wide project on the assurance of quantum random number generators, collaborating with 14 partners – including Toshiba and Quantinuum – to rigorously assess and validate the security of commercial QRNG devices. At the National Physical Laboratory, his research has concentrated on developing entanglement sources for experimental Bell inequality violations, with direct relevance to secure quantum communication. He is currently a lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, where his work bridges quantum science with advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computing.


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