I am a Lecturer in Mathematics with the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, working with the Queen Mary School Hainan team.
I am a passionate teacher in the field of Mathematics and strongly believe that Mathematics is for all. I am driven to make mathematics more accessible to all students and I am always eager to talk to people about their experiences and suggestions on how best to achieve this. Please feel free to contact me if such a discussion interests you!
Originally from Chennai, India, I completed my PhD in Algebraic Geometry in 2021 at the University of Edinburgh on 'Fano Varieties: Positvity, K-stability and more' under the supervision of Prof. Ivan Cheltsov. I was then a Postdoctoral Research Associate until 2024 at Loughborough University, University of Nottingham and Brunel University of London. Before this, I completed my Bachelors in Mathematics from University of Madras, in 2016 and my Masters in Pure Mathematics from University of Nottingham, in 2017.
Research & Travel Grants:
- 'Research in Group' grants SLMath (MSRI): Summer Research in Mathematics.
- Collaborate@ICERM.
- LMS Travel Grant for 'VIsit to the UK' : Travel Grant to host collaborators.
- Romberg Grant : 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
Linear Programming and Games , QHM5701
Bayesian Statistics, QHM6703
Research Interests:
Research in Education: Topics that I am particularly interested in, are:
- Effects of cultural and linguistic differences between teachers and students, on learning.
- Challenges that are faced by educators in making mathematics accessible to students from all diverse foundational
- Effective methods to integrate feedback into student learning.
Research in Mathematics: My mathematical research interests lie in Algebraic Geometry, particularly in the properties of Fano
varieties and birational geometry. Topics I work on include:
- Numerical criterions that establish the existence of Kaehler-Einstein metrics on Fanos.
- Extending the positivity criterion of Fanos to establish more geometrical properties: notion of Higher Fano manifolds.
Keen on collaborating with researchers in both domains above.
On Calabi Conjecture for Smooth Fano threefolds, joint with Carolina Araujo, Ana-Maria Castravet, Ivan Cheltsov, Anne-Sophie
Kaloghiros, Jesus-Martinez Garcia, Constantin Shramov, Hendrik Suess, LMS Lecture Note Series. (Book)
The Minimal Bundle Projective dimension and Toric 2-Fano Manifolds, joint with Carolina Araujo, Roya Beheshti, Ana-Maria
Castravet, Kelly Jabbusch, Svetlana Makarova, Enrica Mazzon, Transactions of AMS.
On K-stability of P^3 blown up along a (2,3) complete intersection, joint with Tiago Duarte Guerreiro, Luca Giovenzana, Journal
of the London Mathematical Society.
On Singular Hypersurfaces of Index 3, joint with In-Kyun Kim, Joonyeong Won, Proceedings of the Moscow-Pohang-Shanghai
Conference, Springer.
K-Stability of hypersurfaces of Index 2 in Weighted Projective Space, joint with In-Kyun Kim, Joonyeong Won, International
Journal of Mathematics.