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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Professor Bill Spence


Professor of Theoretical Physics

Room Number: G. O. Jones Building, room 607




2013-2019: Vice-Principal (Research), Queen Mary, University of London

2015-2018: Director, Life Sciences at QMUL

2009-2012: Head of Department of Physics (from 2011: School of Physics and Astronomy)

2006-2008: Deputy Head of Department of Physics

2003-2008: Head of Theory Group/first Director of the Centre for Research in String Theory

2005: Professor of Theoretical Physics

2000: Reader in Theoretical Physics

1999: Lectureship, Queen Mary, University of London

1994-1999: Five-year Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Advanced Research Fellowship, Queen Mary, University of London

1992-1994: Five-year Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship, School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia (moved to UK post after two years)

1991-1993: Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) Postdoctoral research associate, Imperial College London (took up QEII offer in 1992)

1987-1991: SERC Postdoctoral research associate, Queen Mary, University of London, UK.

1985-1987: SERC Postdoctoral research associate, Southampton University, UK

Academic Qualifications

1985: PhD, Department of Mathematics, Kings College, University of London. Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 studentship.

1981: B. Sc., First Class Honours, Australian National University.


National appointments

2019-2022:  UK national Research Excellence Framework 2021: Panel Member Unit of Assessment 10 Mathematics

2020-2021:  UK national Research Excellence Framework 2021: Panel Member Unit of Assessment 9 Physics (outputs)

2012-2015: STFC Particle Physics Advisory Panel: consulation with UK research community and preparation of Roadmap for PPAN/STFC Council on future UK particle physics investment of ~£110M p.a.. Preparation of UK input to the CERN Council Strategy Group for the updated European Particle Physics Strategy.

2007-2009: STFC Particle Physics Grants Panel (Theory) (Chair 2008-9). Recommendations on the distribution of Rolling Grant funding for 2008-2013 totalling £27M.

2008: STFC Particle Physics Consultation Panel, 2008. Advice to the Research Council on the ranking of experimental physics programmes with funding totalling £110M.

1990s: EPSRC Peer Review College.


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