Professor Carl Murray

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy
Telephone: 020 7882 3304
Room Number: G. O. Jones Building, Room 231
Research Interests:
I am interested in all aspects of the dynamics of planetary systems, from the orbital evolution of dust particles to the stability of planetary orbits. My research in recent years has been dominated by work on Saturn's rings and their gravitational interaction with the small natural satellites orbiting nearby. In particular I have been fascinated by Saturn's F ring as I work with colleagues to understand its bizarre appearance. I have been a member of the Imaging Science Subsystem Team on the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and I have worked on the project since I was selected in 1990.
Download a copy of my CV and list of publications.
Examples of research funding:
Recent research grants
- £762,625 Consolidated Grant from STFC for Astronomy Research 2017-2021 (PI: Murray); 01:04:2017 to 31:03:2021
- £1,547,055 Consolidated Grant from STFC for Astronomy Research 2015-2018 (PI: Nelson); 01.04.2015 to 31:03.2018
- £43,194 Leverhulme Research Fellowship for Collisional Dynamics in Saturn's F Ring (PI: Murray); 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2015
- £1,632,102 Consolidated Grant from STFC for Astronomy Research 2012-2015 (PI: Burgess); 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2015
- £11,606 from The Royal Society for International Exchange Scheme with Paris Observatory (PI: Murray); 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2013
- £442,584 from STFC for Ring-satellite interactions & orbital evolution (PI: Murray); 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2014
- £315,784 from STFC for Dynamics of Saturn's F ring and satellites (PI: Murray); 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2011
- £587,720 from STFC for Cassini Imaging Centre (PI: Murray); 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2010
Carl Murray's list of publications can be downloaded here.
Cuzzi JN, Marouf EA, French RG et al. (2024). Saturn’s F ring is intermittently shepherded by Prometheus.
Fuller J, Guillot T, Mathis S et al. (2024). Tidal Dissipation in Giant Planets.
Dermott SF, Li D, Christou AA et al. (2021). Dynamical evolution of the inner asteroid belt.
Dermott SF, Murray CD . Nature of the Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt.
Lainey V, Casajus LG, Fuller J et al. (2020). Publisher Correction: Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan.
Lainey V, Gomez Casajus L, Fuller J et al. (2020). Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan.
Tiscareno MS, Nicholson PD, Cuzzi JN et al. (2019). Close-range remote sensing of Saturn’s rings during Cassini’s ring grazing orbits and grand finale.
Araujo NCS, Renner S, Cooper NJ et al. (2019). The dynamics of the outer edge of Saturn’s A ring perturbed by the satellites Janus and Epimetheus.
Lainey V, Noyelles B, COOPER N et al. (2019). Interior properties of the inner Saturnian moons from space astrometry data.
Tiscareno MS, Murray CD (2018). Planetary ring systems: Properties, structure, and evolution.
Public Engagement
Recent media appearances
- Live interview on BBC World News talking about new moons of Saturn, 8 October 2019
- Appearances in BBC2 series, The Planets: Inside the Planets, Episode 4, June 2019
- Quoted in The Observer article about 2001: A Space Odyssey, 9 April 2018
- Interview on BBC World News talking about Cassini as scientific highlight of 2017, January 2018
- Appearance in BBC2 Horizon programme, "Goodbye Cassini: Hello Saturn", 18 September 2017; Clip
- Live interview on BBC World Service talking about the demise of Cassini, 15 September 2017
- Live interview from Los Angelese on ITV Good Morning Britain discussing demise of Cassini, 15 September 2017
- Recorded interview for Channel 5 News on demise of Cassini, 14 September 2017
- Interview on BBC Radio 4 Inside Science episode "Farewell to Cassini", 14 September 2017
- Interview on BBC4 Sky At Night programme "Cassini: The Gamechanger" discussing Cassini results, 14 September 2017
- Appearance on ITV News At Ten discussing 40th anniversary of Voyager mission, 5 September 2017
- Interview on BBC1 News At Six discussing Cassini and Peggy, 29 August 2017
- Appearance on BBC World Service documentary, Space 1977, about the 40th anniversary of Voyager missions, 20 August 2017
- Quoted in The Guardian article about the 40th anniversary of Voyager missions, 18 August 2017
- Interview on Space Boffins podcast talking about Voyager and Cassini, 10 August 2017
- Interview on Channel 5 News about the Grand Finale orbits and the demise of Cassini, 27 April 2017
- Interview on ITV News about the Grand Finale orbits and the demise of Cassini, 27 April 2017
- Interveiw on BBC1 News about the Grand Finale orbits and the demise of Cassini, 27 April 2017
- Live interview on BBC World Service World Update talking about the Grand Finale orbits and the demise of Cassini, 27 April 2017
- Live interview on BBC Radio Scotland talking about the Grand Finale orbits and the demise of Cassini, 27 April 2017
- Live interview on BBC Radio 4 Today programme talking about the Grand Finale orbits and the demise of Cassini, 27 April 2017
- Interview for BBC News website article about Cassini and Peggy, 13 January 2017
- Live interview on BBC World News talking about Cassini as forthcoming scientific highlight of 2017, 3 January 2017
- Interview for WBUR Boston NPR radio station programme On Point talking about Peggy, 18 April 2014
- Interview for BBC News website article about Peggy, 16 April 2014
- Live interview on BBC World News talking about release of Cassini high phase mosaic of Saturn and rings, 13 November 2013
Recent talks
- Virtual talk to the Tweeddale Astronomical Society, 15 February 2022
- Virtual talk to Aberdeen Astronomical Society (with participation of Highland Astronomy Society, Moray Astronomy Club and North Ronaldsay Astronomy Club), 13 April 2021
- Virtual talk to Weymouth Astronomy Club, 12 February 2021
- Virtual talk to Bournemouth Natural Science Society, 26 May 2020
- Talk to Maths Circle, Wilson's School, Wallington, Surrey, 16 March 2020
- Talk at Ravens Wood School, Orpington, Kent, 11 March 2020
- Talks to classes at Wistaston Church Lane Academy, 24 February 2020
- Talk to Hertford Astronomy Group, Welwyn Garden City, 12 February 2020
- Talk to Institute of Physics (Hereford & Worcester) and Worcester Astronomical Society, Univ. of Worcester, Worcester, 9 January 2020
- Talk to North Essex Astronomical Society, Witham, Essex, 18 September 2019
- Talk to Mid-Kent Astronomical Society, Chatham, 10 May 2019
- Talk to Crewkerne Astronomical Society, Somerset, 20 March 2019
- Talk to Ravens Wood School, Orpington, Kent, 13 March 2019
- Talk to East London Science School, Royal Geographical Society, Kensington, London, 15 February 2019
- Talk at Prince's Teaching Institute CPD Day for Teachers, Walthamstow School for Girls, London, 7 February 2019
- Talk to Institute of Physics (Manchester), Manchester Metropolitan University, 15 January 2019
- Talk at New Teacher Subject Day, Prince's Teaching Institute, Pimlico School, London, 8 December 2018
- Talk at Initiative for Interstellar Studies, Charfield, Gloucestershire, 30 November 2018
- Talk to Stratford-upon-Avon Astronomical Society, Alderminster, Warwickshire, 17 July 2018
- Talk to Walsall Astronomical Society, Walsall, 5 July 2018
- Talk to Shire Oak School, Walsall, 5 July 2018
- Talk to Worthing Astronomical Society, Worthing, 20 June 2018
- Talk at St John's Catholic Comprehensive School, Gravesend, Kent, 8 May 2018
- Talk at BAA Weekend, Winchester, 8 April 2018
- Talk to Solent Amateur Astronomers, Southampton, 17 April 2018
- Talk to Orpington Astronomical Society, Orpington, Kent, 28 March 2018
- Talk to Cafe Scientifique, Harpenden, 26 March 2018
- Talk to Foredown Tower Astronomers, Brighton, 15 March 2018
- Talk to Maths Circle, Wilson's School, Wallington, Surry, 12 March 2018
- Talk to Croydon Astronomical Society, Croydon, 9 March 2018
- Talk at Bancroft's School, Woodford, London, 7 February 2018
- Talk at Hampstead Garden Suburb Astronomical Society, HGS, London, 31 January 2018
- Talk to Irish Astronomical Association, QUB, Belfast, 24 January 2018
- Astronomy Ireland Christmas Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 11 December 2017
- Christmas Lecture, Royal Observatory Greenwich, Greenwich, 9 December 2017
- Talk at University of Kent, 5 December 2017
- Talk to Licenced Vintners School, Ascot, Berkshire, 16 November 2017
- Talk to Eastbourne Astronomical Society, Eastbourne, Sussex, 11 November 2017
- Colloquium talk to School of Physics & Astronomy, QMUL, 27 October 2017
- Talk to Loughton Astronomical Society, 12 October 2017
- Talk at Federation of Astronomical Societies Annual Meeting, Univ. of Birmingham, 30 September 2017
- Talk at Lister Community School, Plaistow, London, 28 September 2017
- Talk to Flamsteed Astronomy Society, Greenwich, London, 8 May 2017
- Talk at Guildford High School, Surrey, 20 April 2017
- Talk as part of Stargazing Live at QMUL, 4 April 2017
- RAS Public Lectures, RAS, 14 February 2017
- Talk at Sutton Grammar School, Surrey, 26 January 2017
- Talk at StarFest, Chelmer Valley High School, Essex, 29 October 2016
- Talk at the Observatory Opening, QMUL, 23 March 2016
- Talk on Cassini to Colchester Royal Grammar School, Colchester, 17 March 2016
- Physics Taster Talk, QMUL, 3 February 2016
- Invited talk at Maxwell Conference, Royal Society fo Edinburgh, 9 November 2015
- Talk to PsiStar Society, QMUL, 29 October 2015
- Talk at Science Showoff event, The Star of Kings pub, Kings Cross, London, 21 April 2015
- Talk at Greenford High School, Ealing, 24 March 2015
- Talk at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, 29 January 2015
- Talk for United Learning/Prince's Teaching Institute, Manchester, 29 January 2015
- Talk for United Learning/Prince's Teaching Institute, London, 21 January 2015
- Talk to the William Herschel Society, Univ. of Bath, 19 November 2014
- Talk at Chobham Academy, Stratford, London, 5 November 2014
- Talk at Pint of Science, London, 20 June 2014
- Talk to Orpington Astronomical Society, 14 March 2014
- Talk to Flamsteed Astronomy Society, Greenwich, 10 March 2014
- Talk to Hampstead Garden Suburb Astronomical Society, 29 January 2014
- Talk at Reigate School, Surrey, 9 January 2014
- Invited talk at United learning Trust meeting, London, 4 October 2013
- Talk to Year 10/11 pupils, QMUL, 31 July 2013
- Talk at Goldsmiths Course for Teachers, QMUL, 23 July 2013
- Talk to Thurrock Astronomical Society, 3 April 2013
- Talk at Colchester RGS, Colchester, 20 March 2013
- Talk to Wilson's School Maths Circle, Sutton, Surrey, 11 March 2013
- Talk to Birmingham Astronomical Society, 26 February 2013
- Talk to Prince's Teaching Institute, Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, 9 February 2013
- Talk to Prince's Teaching Institute, Institute of Physics, London, 2 February 2013
- Talk to Stratford upon Avon Astronomical Society, 21 August 2012
- Talk to the Loughton Astronomical Society, 31 May 2012
- Talk to the Guildford Astronomical Society, 3 May 2012
- Talk to the Orpington Astronomical Society, 25 January 2012
- Talk to the Reading Astronomical Society, 21 January 2012
- Talks at Charlton School, 13 January 2012
- Talk to the Flamsteed Astronomy Society, 14 November 2011
Recent research talks
- Talk at UCL Space Week, University College, London, 16 May 2019
- Talk at EPSC Meeting, TU Berlin, Germany, 17 September 2018
- Talk at Cassini Science Symposium, Colorado University, Boulder, USA, 13 August 2018
- Talk at John Papaloizou Birthday Meeting, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Oxford, 9 July 2018
- Talk at EGU Meeting, Vienna, 12 April 2018
- Talk to the Encelade Group meeting, ISSI, Bern, Switzerland, 26 February 2018
- Seminar at Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University College, London, 29 January 2018
- Talk at Clarendon Laboratory, Univ. of Oxford, 23 November 2017
- Colloquium talk to School of Physics & Astronomy, QMUL, 27 October 2017
- Talk at Cassini Imaging Team Meeting, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 14 September 2017
- Talk at Cassini Rings Working Group meeting, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 11 September 2017
- Talk at AAS DDA Meeting, QMUL, 15 June 2017
- Talk to Cassini PSG Plenary session, JPL, Pasadena, USA, 16 February 2017
- Talk to Cassini Rings Working Group meeting, JPL, Pasadena, USA, 15 February 2017
- Talk at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14 December 2016
- Talk at RAS Discussion Meeting, RAS, 9 December 2016
- Seminar at Dept. of Physics, Imperial College, 24 November 2016
- Talk to Cassini Rings Working Group meeting, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 10 February 2016
- Talk to Cassini Imaging Team Meeting, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 8 February 2016
- Talk at Encelade Group meeting, QMUL, 10 December 2015
- Invited talk at Maxwell Conference, Royal Society fo Edinburgh, 9 November 2015
- Colloquium talk at Univ. of Hertfordshire, 30 September 2015
- Talk at AAS DDA Meeting, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 6 May 2015
- Talk at Encelade Group meeting, ISSI, Bern, Switzerland, 31 March 2015
- Talk at Chobham Academy, Stratford, London, 5 November 2014
- Talk at RAS Discussion Meeting celebrating 10 years of Cassini-Huygens, London, 10 October 2014
- Talk at JANUS-JUICE meeting, Univ. of Padua, Italy, 10 April 2014
- Talk to joint RAS/RPS meeting, RAS, London, 17 February 2015
- Talk at Plenary Session, Cassini PSG, JPL, 13 February 2014
- Talk at Rings Working Group, Cassini PSG, JPL, 12 February 2014
- Talk at ISS team Meeting, Caltech, 10 February 2014
- Invited talk at AGU, San Francisco, 10 December 2013
- Talk at RAS Discussion Meeting on planetary satellites, RAS, London, 10 May 2013
- Talk at RAS Discussion Meeting, RAS, London, 14 December 2012
- Talk at the NAROO-GAIA satellite astrometry meeting, Paris Observatory, 22 June 2012
- Talk at the Division for Dynamical Astronomy of the AAS, Mt. Hood, Oregon, 8 May 2012
- Invited talk at the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, 24 April 2012
- Seminar at UC Santa Barbara, 3 February 2012
- Talk at the Rings 2011 Workshop, Cornell University, July 2011