Scientific Societies
1963- Member American Physical Society
1967- Fellow Institute of Physics
1989-1993 Chair IOP High Energy Particle Physics Group
1993-2000 IOP Council Member
1996-2000 IOP Vice President
1993-1998 European Physical Society High Energy Physics Board
1986- Member British Science Association (BSA)
1990-1991 President Physics Section BSA
1990-1992 Council Member BSA
1989- Member Royal Institution (RI)
1996-1999 Council Member RI
1997-1999 Vice President RI
1997-1999 Chair Davy Farady Research Lab Committee RI
2003- IOP Publishing Science Advice Committee
2005-2009 Chair IOP London and South East Branch
My teaching
2011-2012 Synoptic Physics tutorials.
Previously I have given many undergraduate courses, but also some courses at A-level, at postgraduate level, and at CERN international Summer School.
Research Interests:
My research interests
I am Emeritus Professor of Physics. I was Head of Department from 1992 to 1997. Here is a brief summary of my research interests 1954 to 1998.
Accelerator design and construction. Detector instrumentation. Particle beam design. Particle physics experiments at Argonne , Rutherford Lab, CERN and DESY. Proton, pion, kaon and antiproton scattering on nucleons in the GeV region: differential cross sections and polarisation. Discovery of new mesons and baryons.
Contributions to the design and construction of of the UA1 detector for the CERN proton-antiproton collider. Proton-antiproton collisions at 540 GeV and 630 GeV centre of mass energies. Electroweak unification: discovery of the W and Z bosons and determination of their properties. Particle production and searches. Tests of the standard model.
Design and construction of detector equipment for use at the HERA proton-electron collider at DESY. Proton-electron and proton-positron collisions. Photoproduction. Deep inelastic scattering providing information on the quarks and gluon structure of the proton. Searches for leptoquarks and other exotic particles.
My publications
About 230 papers on particle physics and instrumentation 1954 -1998
My Outreach Activities
Since 1957 have given numerous talks on physics to schools and other audiences (age range 14 to 80+), in Europe, Africa and Asia but mostly in the UK.
Since my notional retirement have given about 240 talks to a total audience of 30,000 people.
Published about 30 articles explaining or reviewing aspects of physics to schools or to non-specialised or general readers.
Contributed to numeous short radio science broadcasts and a few appearances on TV
Initiated and organised "Sixth form Conferences" for the Royal Institution, soime given at Queen Mary
President of Physics Section of British Science Association in 1991, and on its Council for several years.
1998-1999 Gave Institute of Physics (IOP) Schools' Lecture "Particles and the Universe" with experimental demonstrations 43 times in England, Scotland, Wales and Channel Islands.
2000 Associate Editor of Science Spectra magazine.
2000 Invited by South African Institute of Physics to give versions of the above talk at 15 venues.
2001 Invited by Indian Physics Association to give "Cockcroft and Walton" Lectures " . Nine lectures at various levelsin New Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore and Mumbai.
2003-2005 Represented UK on international steering group for World Year of Physics.
2004 Invited by British Council to give 15 lectures in India (in New Delhi, Calcutta, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Mumbai).
Judged schools' science projects at Big Bang events in Hatfield, Reading, London, Duxford, Birmingham
Honours and Awards
1967 Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP)
1988 IOP Rutherford Medal (Jointly with John Dowell)
1995 Fellow of American Physical Society
2001 Honorary Fellow of University College London
2001 OBE for "Services to Physics"
2002 IOP Kelvin Medal
2002 Honorary Fellow British Science Association
2003 Honorary Fellow Queen Mary, University of London
2005 EPS Particle Physics Outreach Prize (Jointly with Dave Barney)
2010 IOP Branches Prize
2010 Honorary Fellow Institute of Physics