Dr Bob Jones

Emeritus Reader in Theoretical Physics
Email: r.b.jones@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: 020 7882 6050
Room Number: G. O. Jones Building, Room 231
Website: ../ph.qmul.ac.uk/_cmsmg/bobpersonalweb.html
Research Interests:
My research interests
Although I started research as a Ph. D. student in theoretical particle physics, over subsequent years I gradually moved into statistical physics, zero Reynolds number hydrodynamics and soft condensed matter. I enjoyed all these areas of study and research and do not regret having worked on so many different aspects of physics. Below is a list of all my research publications with (known) errata for the annoying misprints that all too often escaped my proofreading as well as an occasional mistake. In only one instance is there an error leading to a wrong numerical result. As one who has often suffered from the laborious task of trying to recognise and understand typographical mistakes in other people's papers I hope this makes my own papers more readable.
My publications
1) An eigenvalue problem for the Pi - N partial waves - R. B. Jones, Nuovo Cimento 49, 108-135 (1967).
2) Unitary symmetry - J. M. Charap, R. B. Jones and P. G. Williams, Reports on Progress in Physics Vol. XXX, part 1, 227-283 (1967).
Erratum: In Table 1 giving SU(3) structure constants f_{ijk} for both the {ijk} values {458} and {678} it should read (Square root of 3)/2 and not 3/2.
3) Angular momentum continuation from the s-wave - R. B. Jones, Nuovo Cimento 54A, 695-722 (1968).
4) Riemann surfaces and partial wave models - R. B. Jones, Comm. Math. Phys. 17, 143-155 (1970).
5) Uniformization in a soluble partial wave model - A. R. Choudhary and R. B. Jones, Nuclear Physics B22, 343-357 (1970).
6) Non-linear realizations and effective Lagrangians for chiral symmetry breaking - R. B. Jones, Nuclear Physics B34, 493-502 (1971).
Erratum: Three lines after Eq. (23) the statement "...we imposed dL^B = 0." should read "...we imposed d^2 L^B = 0." Here we are using the language of forms and d is the exterior derivative.
7) Analyticity of partial wave scattering amplitudes and conformal mapping methods, A. R. Choudhary and R. B. Jones, J. Phys. A 5, 981-1003 (1972).
8) Baxter states in the XY model - R. B. Jones, J. Phys. A 6, 928-950 (1973).
9) Baxter's quantum number in the XY model - R. B. Jones, J. Phys. A 7, 280-288 (1974).
10) Baxter's method for the XXZ model - R. B. Jones, J. Phys. A 7, 495-504 (1974).
11) Diffusion of polymers along a fluid-fluid interface - R. B. Jones, B. U. Felderhof and J. M. Deutch, Macromolecules 8, 680-684 (1975).
12) Unstable singularities in the sigma-model - D. Rai Chaudhuri and R. B. Jones, J. Phys. A 9, 1349-1357 (1976).
13) Diffusion of polymers near a fluid-fluid interface or a wall - R. B. Jones, Physica 83A, 72-84 (1976).
14) Particle accelerators and the fundamental constants - P. I. P. Kalmus and R. B. Jones, Am. J. Phys. 44, 1216-1217 (1976).
15) Critical phenomena, Vol. 54 Lecture Notes in Physics, Eds. J. Brey and R. B. Jones, Springer-Verlag (1976).
16) Stability of inert p-wave phases of superfluid helium-3 in strong coupling theory - R. B. Jones, J. Phys. C 10, 657-669 (1977).
17) Hydrodynamic interaction of two permeable spheres I: The method of reflections - R. B. Jones, Physica 92A, 545-556 (1978).
18) Hydrodynamic interaction of two permeable spheres II: Velocity field and friction constants - R. B. Jones, Physica 92A, 557-570 (1978).
19) Hydrodynamic interaction of two permeable spheres III: Mobility tensors - R. B. Jones, Physica 92A, 571-583 (1978).
Erratum: In Eq. (4.4a) the numerator of the coefficient A should be sigma^2 (sigma - tanh sigma).
20) Faxen theorems for spherically symmetric polymers in solution - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 93A, 457-464 (1978).
21) Hydrodynamic interaction of two spherically symmetric polymers - P. Reuland, B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 93A, 465-475 (1978).
Errata: In the first line of Eq. (4.3) the factor (n+1) should be replaced by (n+2) in the expression for A_n^S .
In Eq. (5.1) in the expression for D_{AA}^{tr} the first term should have l^8 in the denominator instead of l^3.
22) Time dependent compressible flow about a spherically symmetric polymer in solution - R. B. Jones, Physica 94A, 271-286 (1978).
23) Faxen theorems for a spherically symmetric polymer in time dependent compressible flow - R. B. Jones, Physica 95A, 104-116 (1979).
24) Diffusion of tagged interacting spherically symmetric polymers - R. B. Jones, Physica 97A, 113-126 (1979).
25) Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the Brownian motion of a polymer in solution - R. B. Jones, Physica 100A, 417-430 (1980).
Erratum: In Eq. (A.8) of the Appendix the minus sign on the right hand side should be a plus sign.
26) Long time tail in the diffusion of a spherical polymer - R. B. Jones, Physica 101A, 389-406 (1980).
Erratum: In Eq. (B.5) in the last integral the differential should be dr and not dv.
27) Contracted description of fluctuating systems - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 102A, 179-192 (1980).
28) Hydrodynamic fluctuation forces - R. B. Jones, Physica 105A, 395-416 (1981).
29) Memory effects in the diffusion of an interacting polydisperse suspension I: Projection formalism at long wavelength - R. B. Jones and G. S. Burfield, Physica 111A, 562-576 (1982).
30) Memory effects in the diffusion of an interacting polydisperse suspension II: Hard spheres at low density - R.B. Jones and G. S. Burfield, Physica 111A, 577-590 (1982).
31) Linear response theory of sedimentation and diffusion in a suspension of spherical particles - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 119A, 591-608 (1983).
32) Cluster expansion of the diffusion kernel of a suspension of interacting Brownian particles - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones. Physica 121A, 329-344 (1983).
33) Diffusion in hard sphere suspensions - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 122A, 89-104 (1983).
Erratum: There should be a minus sign in front of the right hand side of Eq. (4.8).
34) Isotropic elastic medium containing a spherical particle I: Incompressible media - R. B. Jones and R. Schmitz, Physica 122A, 105-113 (1983).
Errata: There are three misprints in this paper. In both Eq. (3.12a) and Eq. (4.1) the factor n+1 which occurs in a denominator should be n+2.
In the first of the two equations in (3.15) in the third term where there appears 2(2n+1)f_n^{P'}/r^2 there should be no prime denoting differentiation. It should simply be 2(2n+1)f_n^{P}/r^2.
35) Isotropic elastic medium containing a spherical particle II: Compressible media - R. B. Jones and R. Schmitz, Physica 122A, 114-128 (1983).
36) Effective elasticity of a solid suspension of spheres I: Stress-strain constitutive relation - R. B. Jones and R. Schmitz, Physica 125A, 381-397 (1984).
37) Effective elasticity of a solid suspension of spheres II: Effective moduli in lowest multipole approximation - R. B. Jones and R. Schmitz, Physica 126A, 1-24 (1984).
38) Diffusion in hard sphere suspensions - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 76, 179-187 (1983).
39) Memory function moment analysis of dynamic light scattering data- R. B. Jones, J. Phys. A 17, 2305-2317 (1984).
Erratum: Eq. (4.8) should read D_0(rho) = 4(Square root rho)/(4 + rho). No later numerical values are changed by this error which is just a misprint.
40) An analytical model of tracer diffusivity in colloid suspensions - R. B. Jones and G. S. Burfield, Physica 133A, 152-172 (1985).
41) Spectral broadening in suspensions of metallic spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Z. Phys. B 62, 43-50 (1985).
42) Multipole contributions to the effective dielectric constant of suspensions of spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Z. Phys. B 62, 215-224 (1986).
43) Effective dielectric constant of dilute polydisperse suspensions of spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Z. Phys. B 62, 225-230 (1986).
44) Multipolar corrections to the Clausius-Mossotti formula for the effective dielectric constant of a polydisperse suspension of spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Z. Phys. B 62, 231-237 (1986).
45) Dynamics of colloidal crystals - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Z. Phys. B 64, 393-400 (1986).
46) Hydrodynamic scattering theory of flow about a sphere - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 136A, 77-98 (1986).
47) Addition theorems for spherical wave solutions of the vector Helmholtz equation - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, J. Math. Phys. 28, 836-839 (1987).
48) Brownian motion of colloidal crystals - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 83, paper 4 (1987).
49) Convective motion and transfer of force by many-body hydrodynamic interaction - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 146A, 404-416 (1987).
50) Linear response theory of the viscosity of suspensions of spherical Brownian particles - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica 146A, 417-432 (1987).
51) Non-Gaussian effects in the self-diffusion of a low density hard sphere suspension - B. Cichocki and R. B. Jones, Z. Phys. B 68, 513-517 (1987).
52) Mobility matrix for arbitrary spherical particles in solution - R. B. Jones and R. Schmitz , Physica 149A, 373-394 (1988).
53) Rotational diffusion of a tracer colloid particle I. Short time orientational correlations - R. B. Jones ,Physica 150A, 339-356 (1988).
Erratum:In Eq. (6.18) there should be a factor of (1/H) multiplying the quantity I^(2) on the left hand side.
54) Displacement theorems for spherical solutions of the linear Navier-Stokes equations - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, J. Math. Phys. 30, 339-342 (1989).
Erratum: On page 341 just after Eq. (3.9) the sentence "For given l the number l' can take only the values 1,...,l." should read "For given l the number l' can take only the values 1,...,l, l+1."
55) Effective dielectric constant of dilute suspensions of spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Phys. Rev. B39, 5669-5677 (1989).
56) Rotational diffusion of a tracer colloid particle II. Long time orientational correlations - R. B. Jones, Physica 157A, 752-768 (1989).
Erratum: In Eq. (4.5) on the right hand side the argument of Y_{lm} should be Omega_1 and not Psi_1 .
57) Creeping flow hydrodynamics of droplets and vesicles - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, PhysicoChem. Hyd. 11, 507 - 518 (1989).
58) Variational studies of the 2-D Hubbard model on transputer arrays - R. B. Jones and W. Yeung, Applications of Transputers 1, (Len Freeman & Chris Phillips eds.),IOS Press (Amsterdam), 191-196 (1990).
59) First passage time approach to the kinetics of colloidal deposition onto permeable boundaries - A. T. Clark, M. Lal and R. B. Jones, Colloids and Surfaces 44,315-336 (1990).
60) Particle transport in pores bounded by permeable walls - A. T. Clark, M. Lal and R. B. Jones, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 94, 230 - 234 (1990).
Erratum: In Eq. (11) on the right hand side the argument of the exponential function should be -alpha_rho^2 t and not -alpha_rho t .
61) Variational studies of the 2-D Hubbard model:less than half filled - R. B. Jones and W. Yeung, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 2, 2975 - 2986 (1990).
62) Rotational diffusion of a tracer colloid particle III. Weak external field effects - F. N. Alavi and R. B. Jones, Physica A165 170 - 195 (1990).
63) Hydrodynamic interaction of a spherical particle with a planar boundary I. Free surface - G. S. Perkins and R. B. Jones, Physica A171 575 - 604 (1991).
Errata: In Eq. (5.9) there is a sign mistake in the second expression which should read beta^{rd} = beta^{dr}.
In Eq. (A.10) the expression given for e(lm1,lm1) should not have a factor of a^2.
64) Dynamics of suspended colloidal spheres - R. B. Jones and P. N. Pusey, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 42 137-169 (1991)
65) Rotational Diffusion of a Tracer Colloid Particle IV:Brownian Dynamics near a hard wall - R. B. Jones and F. N. Alavi, Physica A187 436 - 455 (1992).
Errata: In Eq. (3.20a) the torque T(R^0) should be T(n^0).
In Eq. (4.4b) in the first term of the right hand side the diffusion tensor D_{ji}^{tt} should be D_{ji}^{tr}.
In Eq. (4.6) in the second and third lines there should be no scalar product between the vectors S. The left hand sides should be averages of outer products of these vectors in order to match the second rank diffusion tensors on the right hand sides.
In Eq. (5.6) the average value of f^i should be zero.
66) Hydrodynamic interaction of a spherical particle with a planar boundary II. Hard wall- G. S. Perkins and R. B. Jones, Physica A189 447 - 477 (1992).
Errata: In the second line of Eq. (5.10) there should be no constant term 1 in the series expression for psi_{res}^{tr}.
Just after Eq. (A.6) the phrase "we well as" should be "as well as".
In Eq. (A.7) the expression for f(lm0,lm1) should have (1/a) instead of (1/alpha).
67) Orientational relaxation in a colloidal suspension of spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Phys. Rev. E48 1084 - 1090 (1993).
68) Orientational relaxation in a colloidal Heisenberg model - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Phys. Rev. E48 1142 - 1153 (1993).
69) Inertial effects in small-amplitude swimming of a finite body - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica A202 94 - 118 (1994).
70) Small-amplitude swimming of a sphere - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, Physica A202 119 - 144 (1994).
71) Orientational relaxation in a Heisenberg colloidal liquid - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 6 (Supplement 23A) A339 - A343 (1994).
72) High frequency viscosity of a dilute polydisperse colloidal suspension - R. B. Jones, Physica A212 43 - 60 (1994).
73) High frequency viscosity of a dilute polydisperse emulsion - R. B. Jones, Lecture Notes in Physics Vol 445 (Springer-Verlag) 296-302 (1995).
74) Rotational diffusion in concentrated colloidal dispersions of hard spheres - Vittorio Degiorgio, Roberto Piazza and Robert B. Jones, Phys. Rev. E52 2707 - 2717 (1995).
There is a mistake rather than a typo in Eq. (34) for the three body rotational mobility. Inside the square bracket the coefficient 5 of the first term is correct but all other terms inside the square bracket should be multiplied by one half (1/2). This leads to an incorrect Eq. (36) and to an incorrect numerical result in Eq. (38) which is too large by about five per cent. This error was noticed and corrected by Cichocki, Ekiel-Jezewska and Wajnryb in J. Chem. Phys. 111 3265 - 3273 (1999).
75) Statistical theory of time-dependent diffusion-controlled reactions in fluids and solids - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, J. Chem. Phys. 103 10201 - 10213 (1995).
76) Reversible diffusion-controlled reactions between two species in a fluid - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones, J. Chem. Phys. 106 954-966 (1997).
77) Transient reactions in a binary suspension of diffusing spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 106 967 - 977 (1997).
78) Reversible diffusion-controlled reactions in a colloidal kinetic Ising model - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - Physica A 240 188-192 (1997).
79) Separation of time scales in species conversion by diffusion-controlled reactions in a binary suspension of spheres - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 106 5006-5012 (1997).
80) Image representation of a spherical particle near a hard wall - B. Cichocki and R. B. Jones - Physica A 258 273-302 (1998).
Erratum: In Eq. (28) the expression for f_{110} should have a minus sign (F_x - i F_y) and the expression for f_{1-10} should have a plus sign (F_x + i F_y).
81) Orientational relaxation and Brownian motion - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - Dynamics: Models and Kinetic methods for Non-equilibrium Manhy Body Systems, (J. Karkheck Ed.), (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands) 31-38 (2000).
82) Sedimentation of colloidal particles near a wall: Stokesian dynamics simulations - Robert B. Jones and Ramzi Kutteh - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 1 2131-2139 (1999).
83) Reversible diffusion-controlled reactions in a disordered system of static spherical catalysts - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 111 4205-4217 (1999).
84) Effect of competition between catalytic particles C on the rate of the reversible diffusion-controlled reaction A+C<->B+C - B. U. Felderhof and R. B.Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 111 9441-9445 (1999).
85) Dynamics of small clusters of particles bound to an interacting wall - A. T. Clark, M. Lal and R. B. Jones - Structure and Dynamics of Materials in the Mesoscopic Domain (M. Lal, R A Mashelkar, D Kulkarni \& V M Naik Eds.) - (Imperial College Press, London) 219 -239 (1999).
86) Friction and mobility for colloidal spheres in Stokes flow near a boundary: the multipole method and applications - B. Cichocki, R. B. Jones and Ramzi Kutteh, E. Wajnryb - J. Chem. Phys. 112 2548 - 2561 (2000).
87) Rigid body molecular dynamics with nonholonomic constraints: new molecular thermostat algorithms - Ramzi Kutteh and R. B. Jones - Phys. Rev. E 61 3186 - 3198 (2000).
88) Effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the irreversible deposition of colloidal particles: Deposition algorithm and simulations - R. B. Jones and Ramzi Kutteh - J. Chem. Phys. 112 11080-11094 (2000).
89) Response to Comment on "Statistical theory of time-dependent diffusion-controlled reactions in fluids and solids" - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 113 2935 (2000).
90) Nonlinear dielectric and magnetic relaxation after a sudden change of applied field - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 115 4444 (2001).
91) Stability of colloidal clusters in shear flow near a wall: Stokesian dynamics simulation studies - R. B. Jones J. Chem. Phys. 115 5319 (2001).
92) Kerr relaxation of anisotropic dielectric particles and Neel relaxation of anisotropic magnetic particles after a sudden change of field - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 115 7852 (2001).
93) Nonlinear relaxation of polarization and optical susceptibility of dielectric particles under sudden change of external field direction - R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 116 7424 (2002).
Erratum: There are typos in Eqs. (7) and (53). These are corrected in Errata, J. Chem. Phys. 117 7389 (2002).
94) Transient and steady linear response of dielectric particles in a high bias field subject to a weak AC probe field - R. B. Jones - J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 7719 (2002).
95) Nonlinear response of a dipolar system with rotational diffusion to an oscillating field - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 15 S1363 (2003).
96) Adiabatic change in the Smoluchowski equation: Orientational diffusion of polar particles - R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 119 1517 (2003).
97) Mean field theory of the nonlinear response of an interacting dipolar system with rotational diffusion to an oscillating field - B. U. Felderhof and R. B. Jones - J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 15 4011 (2003).
98) Rotational Diffusion in Dispersive Media - R. B. Jones - Vol 8 - AMAS Lecture Notes - Institute of Fundamental Technological Research - Polish Academy of Sciences - Warsaw - ISSN 1642-0578 - 2004.
Erratum: In Eq. (4.7) on the right hand side there should be no factor of D^r in front of the bracket.
99) Spherical particle in Poiseuille flow between planar walls - R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 121 483 (2004).
Erratum: In Eq. (26) on the right hand side of the expression for T_{1xy} there should be a factor of (1/s)^2 in front of the integral.
100) Rotational diffusion of colloidal particles near confining walls - R. B. Jones - J. Chem. Phys. 123, 164705 (2005).
101) Solvation pressure in chloroform - H. Hubel, D. A. Faux, R. B. Jones and D. Dunstan - J. Chem. Phys. 124 204506 (2006).
102) Dynamics of a colloid in a spherical cavity - R. B. Jones - Theoretical Methods for Micro Scale Viscous Flows (Francois Feuillebois and Antoine Sellier Eds.) - ( Transworld
Research Network, Trivandrum, Kerala, India) 61-104 (2009).
Erratum: In the last line of Eq. (69) the sinh eta that occurs twice in numerators should be replaced by sin eta.