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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Dr Bob Jones


Emeritus Reader in Theoretical Physics

Telephone: 020 7882 6050
Room Number: G. O. Jones Building, Room 231
Website: ../


Research Interests:

My research interests

Although I started research as a Ph. D. student in theoretical particle physics, over subsequent years I gradually moved into statistical physics, zero Reynolds number hydrodynamics and soft condensed matter. I enjoyed all these areas of study and research and do not regret having worked on so many different aspects of physics. Below is a list of all my research publications with (known) errata for the annoying misprints that all too often escaped my proofreading as well as an occasional mistake. In only one instance is there an error leading to a wrong numerical result. As one who has often suffered from the laborious task of trying to recognise and understand typographical mistakes in other people's papers I hope this makes my own papers more readable.

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