I did my undergraduate degree in Physics at Queen Mary Univeristy of London and my Ph.D. in the departmemt of mathematics King's College London.
I undertook postdoctoral reseach at QMUL, The University of Pennsylvania and CERN before returning to QMUL as a Royal Society University Research Fellow.
Currently I am one of the Module Organisers for the year 1 Lab course Scientific Measurement (SPA4103) and the for the year 3 B.Sc. module Quantum Mechanics and Symmetry (SPA6325). In the past I have taught various modules including Mathematical Techniques 1, Mathematical Techniques 3, From Newton to Einstein, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Quantum Mechanics B and Electromagnetic Theory.
Research Interests:
I am a member of the Centre for Research in String Theory. My past research interests has involved models of string/particle phenomenology and cosmology included topics such as non-abelian Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) theories of coincident D-branes and their application in models of inflationary cosmology; tachyon condensation in multiple unstable D-brane systems and defect formation; particle physics models based on ISS type metastable supersymmetry breaking. Currently my research has focused on high energy scattering in gravity/supergravity and string theories, in the so called eikonal approximation.
Examples of research funding:
- Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council: Berman, Brandhuber, Ramgoolam, Spence, Thomas. Rolling grant String theory, gauge theory and gravity (2006-2010), £249,800
- European Union, Framework 6, Marie Curie Training and Mobility of Researchers Grant, Superstrings, Theory Group, Department of Physics, Queen Mary, (2004-2008), €259,980 £162,000.
1. Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council: Berman, Brandhuber, Ramgoolam, Spence, Thomas. Rolling grant String theory, gauge theory and gravity (2006-2010), £249,800.
2. European Union, Framework 6, Marie Curie Training and Mobility of Researchers Grant, Superstrings, Theory Group, Department of Physics, Queen Mary, (2004-2008), €259,980 £162,000.