I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Exoplanets working with Dr. Edward Gillen. My research interests focus on young transiting exoplanets, particularly planets that are observed by space-based telescopes such as Kepler and TESS. I am also interested in studying small, close-in planets near the radius valley.
I completed my PhD at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL), UCL in 2025. Previously, I obtained a Master’s degree in Astrophysics from the University of Cambridge, and a BSc in Physics from Imperial College London.
- Ho, C.S.K., Rogers, J.G., Van Eylen, V., Owen, J.E., Schlichting, H.E. (2024): Shallower radius valley around low‑mass hosts: evidence for icy planets, collisions or high‑energy radiation scatter, MNRAS, 531, 3698.
- Ho, C.S.K. (2024): Into the radius valley, Astronomy & Geophysics, 65, 1.14
- Ho, C.S.K., Van Eylen, V. (2023) A deep radius valley revealed by Kepler short cadence observations, MNRAS, 519, 4056.
My full publication list can be viewed on ADS.
Scholarly Contributions
Battley et al. (2024), “NGTS-30b/TOI-4862b: An ~1 Gyr old 98-day transiting warm Jupiter”, A&A, 686, A230
Battley, Armstrong & Pollacco (2022), “YOUNG Star detrending for Transiting Exoplanet Recovery (YOUNGSTER) - II. Using self-organizing maps to explore young star variability in sectors 1-13 of TESS data”, MNRAS, 511, 3
Battley et al. (2021), “Revisiting the Kepler field with TESS: Improved ephemerides using TESS 2 min data”, MNRAS, 503, 3
Battley, Pollacco & Armstrong (2020), “A search for young exoplanets in Sectors 1-5 of the TESS full-frame images”, MNRAS, 496, 2