Postdoctoral fellow, Queen Mary University of London, 2024 — present
Research Associate, Imperial College London, 2021 — 2024
Postdoctoral fellow, Kavli IPMU (the University of Tokyo), 2018 — 2021
PhD cum laude in Theoretical Physics, University of Milano-Bicocca, 2015 — 2018
- Marie Curie European Fellowship - Standard: Awarded with a score of 95.20% for the project “Holography and Quantum Black Holes” (Beneficiary: Queen Mary University of London, UK), totaling EUR 237,000, received on February 13, 2023.
- Marie Curie European Fellowship - Standard: Awarded with a score of 96.40% for the project “Black Holes, Holography, and Quantum Physics” (Beneficiary: Sorbonne University, Paris, France), totaling EUR 185,000, received on February 8, 2021 (offer turned down).
- JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, No. 20K14462: Awarded for the project “Black Holes, Quantum Physics, and Holography,” totaling USD 33,000, from April 2020 to September 2021.
Research Interests:
My research focuses on fundamental questions about black holes and quantum gravity, utilizing tools from holography, geometry, and quantum field theory. Specifically, I study the origins of black hole entropy and identify the basic quantum building blocks of quantum gravity. This work is framed within the anti de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence, a framework that provides a fully consistent quantum description of gravity in asymptotically AdS spacetimes through a strongly coupled CFT in one fewer dimension. The strong coupling in the CFT presents significant challenges; however, for supersymmetric field theories, the localization principle simplifies the problem by reducing the infinite-dimensional path integral to a finite-dimensional integral, known as a matrix model. This allows for exact calculations in otherwise inaccessible strongly coupled field theories, thus providing precise predictions for quantum gravity through the lens of holography.
- S. M. Hosseini, K. Hristov and A. Zaffaroni, “An extremization principle for the entropy of rotating BPS black holes in AdS5,” JHEP 07, 106 (2017) []
- S. M. Hosseini and A. Zaffaroni, “Large N matrix models for 3d N=2 theories: twisted index, free energy and black holes,” JHEP 08, 064 (2016) []
- E. Colombo, S. M. Hosseini, D. Martelli, A. Pittelli and A. Zaffaroni, “Microstates of Accelerating and Supersymmetric AdS4 Black Holes from the Spindle Index,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, no.3, 031603 (2024) []
- S. M. Hosseini and A. Zaffaroni, “Universal AdS Black Holes in Theories with 16 Supercharges and Their Microstates,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, no.17, 171604 (2021) []
- S. M. Hosseini, K. Hristov, Y. Tachikawa and A. Zaffaroni, “Anomalies, Black strings and the charged Cardy formula,” JHEP 09, 167 (2020) []
- S. M. Hosseini, K. Hristov and A. Zaffaroni, “Gluing gravitational blocks for AdS black holes,” JHEP 12, 168 (2019) []
- S. M. Hosseini, “Gravitational blocks: Symplectic covariance unveiled,” Phys. Lett. B 843, 138044 (2023) []