Dr Charles Dalang

Visiting Research Assistant
Email: c.dalang@qmul.ac.uk
Room Number: G. O. Jones Building
I am a theoretical physicist broadly interested in cosmology, alternative theories of gravity, dark energy, quantum field theory and the Universe in general. My research lies at the intersection of gravitational wave physics and cosmology. I am interested in any way that we can test gravity and cosmology using gravitational waves. I also work on formal aspects of gravitation, large-scale structure and physics of the cosmic microwave background. I am a member of the LISA cosmology working group since 2018.
I completed my PhD at the Department of Theoretical Physics in the cosmology and astroparticle theory group at the University of Geneva in 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Lucas Lombriser. Prior to that, I did an MSc in Physics at ETH Zürich and a BSc at EPFL, also in Physics.