Student support
We are committed to providing comprehensive support to students in the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences. Whether you would like some additional advice on your academic work or information on finance, we can help. There are many services in the College that you can access - for example, residences, advice and counselling and the doctor's surgery - however, it may not always be obvious who to approach for help. Therefore in the School, we have a Student Support Administrator who can help you with all these queries.
Student Support Officer
Our Student Support Officer is the first point of contact for students looking for advice or support. They offer advice on matters that may be affecting your ability to study and to signpost relevant support services. Their job is to make sure that your student experience is as good as it can be.
I thoroughly enjoy working with students and seeing them progress through their journey and develop as individuals. University is a challenge, but it can also be one of the most enjoyable experiences of your life. Everyone’s journey is different and we all have a different approach to independent study, if you are struggling then I am here to help.— Harvey Abraham Green, Student Support Officer
Your Adviser
When you begin your studies with us you will be allocated an Adviser. This person is an academic member of staff who will be responsible for giving you advice on module choices and they will also meet with you to discuss your progress. If you have any issues whilst at university, your Adviser or the Student Support Officer should be your first point of contact. They are well placed to help find a solution to whatever your problem may be.
The PASS Scheme
The Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) scheme is available to physics undergraduates. Our second and final year students work with first years as tutors on academic subjects and are fully trained. This scheme offers the chance for our first-year students to benefit from the experience of students in other years, for example, when it comes to choosing modules and making decisions on what to study. Further information on the scheme is available here.
Office Hours – Advice and Feedback
If you have a question for your lecturer, you can always speak to them during their office hours or after your lecture. Office hours are designated periods (normally two hours a week) when lecturers are available to discuss academic issues with their students. The best way to enquire about any questions that you may have is to attend office hours.
College Services
There are many services available to you as an undergraduate and a shortlist with links is below. You will be taken to another website for further information.