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Student Advice and Signposting Hub

Peer to Peer Support and Mentoring

Our peer support programmes allow students to gain advice and support from students.  Trained students use their experience to help others. At Queen Mary, we have programmes to help students settle into university life, to develop their academic skills as well as to support specific groups of students. Please encourage your advisees or students studying on your module or programme to get support from these programmes.

Direct students to our peer support webpages for information on:

  • Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) is an accredited peer learning programme which aims to build subject specific academic competency through small group discussion and study.
  • The Buddy Scheme supporting incoming undergraduate students socially, helping them meet new people and make friends. Mentees will be able to get some tried and tested tips from current students. 
  • Level up is a pilot mentoring scheme designed for students returning for their second year at Queen Mary and who may find that a little extra support from a peer could help them smoothly settle back into university life after the summer break.
  • Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) is an active learning pedagogy that takes a workshop-based approach to student learning. It is currently offered in three schools at Queen Mary. Queen Mary has a PLTL Advisory Group and a Community of Practice for educators.
  • Course Representatives are elected to represent student views to the School or Institute.
  • Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
    • BL Families helps students settle in.
    • Institute of Health Sciences Education (IHSE)/Being Well in Suffolk (BWIS) peer network


Encourage your students to provide peer support

Providing peer to peer support is a great way to improve employability skills.  Most of our schemes can also be accredited through the HEAR so students will have evidence of their skills and experience on their transcript.  Encourage students to sign up:


Navigation to information on peer support


Link to the signposting page from:



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