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Student Health

University Mental Health Day - Thursday 9th March 2023

University Mental Health Day brings together the university community to make mental health a university-wide priority and create ongoing year round change to the future of student mental health. Join us on Thursday 9th March 2023 for a range of activities for students and staff to help you take a break, relax and look after your mental health.

Relax and Unwind

  • Pick up a plant and decorate your pot with the Student Life team from 12-2pm in the Library Foyer. You can also grab a mindfulness colouring sheet to help you de-stress
  • Take a break from your studies and follow our Wellness Trail
  • Get Active offer fun, free relaxed sport sessions with no specialist equipment or clothing required. On Thursday you can give Badminton a go from 4pm-5pm or if, you're a member of staff, join with Staff Football from 11am-12pm
  • The Advice and Counselling Service are bringing you a free screening of the Truman Show from 1pm-4pm in the Hitchcock Cinema
  • Join an online cooking class with Residence Life from 6pm-7pm
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