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Student Health

Vaccinations you need for University

UK Health Security Agency is advising both new and current students to make sure they are up to date with their measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), MenACWY and HPV vaccines before they come to University. We strongly advise that you consider having these vaccinations before coming to Queen Mary University of London.

About the MMR vaccine and measles

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can sometimes lead to serious complications and can be fatal in very rare cases.

The best protection against measles is to ensure you have had two doses of MMR vaccination. We know that some students may have missed out on their MMR when they were younger. This means that many young people remain unprotected and so we are seeing measles cases in young people over the age of 15.

The MMR vaccine is available for free to anyone who has not received both doses as a child. If students are unsure whether they are up to date they can contact their GP to check. If you have not had two MMR doses, you should arrange a free catch up vaccination with your GP as soon as possible.

About MenACWY vaccine and meningococcal disease

It is also important to get the MenACWY vaccine which protects against meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning) – which can both be fatal.

The MenACWY vaccine is given by a single injection into the upper arm and protects against four different kinds of the meningococcal bacteria that cause meningitis and septicaemia: A, C, W and Y.

Students going to university or college for the first time, including overseas and mature students, who have not yet had the MenACWY vaccine remain eligible up to their 25th birthday.

Young adults are particularly at risk as they are carriers of the disease. Meningitis and septicaemia caused by the aggressive meningitis W strain previously caused a series of cases in young people.

Students should contact their GP to have the MenACWY vaccine before starting university. If that is not possible, you should have it as soon as you can after you arrive. The MenACWY vaccine is the best form of protection against these deadly diseases.

About HPV vaccine

Students assigned female at birth should have been offered 2 doses of HPV vaccine in Year 8 or Year 9 when aged 13 to 15 years at school. The HPV vaccine protects against the human papilloma virus (HPV) that causes most cervical cancers and some anal, genital, mouth and throat (head and neck) cancers. It also offers protection against the most common genital warts caused by HPV.

Any student assigned female at birth who missed one or both doses of their HPV vaccine is eligible up to their 25th birthday and should contact their GP practice to arrange free vaccination.

Students who are gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men up to 45 years of age are also eligible for the HPV vaccine when they visit a specialist sexual health service or HIV clinic. Some transgender people are also eligible for the HPV vaccine. For more information please visit the NHS website - Who should have the HPV vaccine?

UK students

If you are from the UK, you might have had some vaccinations as a child as part of a National Immunisation Programme. Talk to your doctor to find out which you have had and if there are any you need to get before you come here.

The MMR vaccine is part of the National Immunisation Programme.

If you have been immunised against meningitis, you need to check if you have had MenACWY as it has not always been a part of the National Immunisation Programme. The MenACWY vaccine is not the same as Meningitis C vaccine.

You should talk to your doctor and arrange to have MenACWY and two MMR doses before you come to Queen Mary University of London.

Find out more about meningitis and the MenACWY immunisation.

Find out more about MMR immunisation.

International students

If you are from outside the UK, you will also need to have the MMR and MenACWY vaccines before starting university. We strongly advise you to check with your doctor before leaving your home country to confirm that these immunisations are up to date.

Residents from some countries are also required to obtain a certificate confirming they are free from infectious Tuberculosis (TB) before applying for a visa. Find out more about tuberculosis tests for visa applicants.

Talk to your doctor about any other vaccinations you might need to come to the UK. You should also check with your local embassy to find out if you are legally required to get any vaccines before coming to the UK.

We recommend you get your vaccinations before you leave home. If you get your vaccinations in the UK, you may have to pay for some of them.

If you have any evidence of your vaccinations, bring it with you to university.

Find out more about accessing healthcare in the UK.

Find out more about meningitis and the MenACWY immunisation.

Find out more about MMR immunisation.

Vaccinations for healthcare (medical and dentistry) students

Should you have any queries about the health requirements for either the medical or dental programmes, please contact the University admission team for further information on: for undergraduate medicine and dentistry or one of the following for postgraduate medicine and dentistry:

Barts Cancer Institute (

Blizard Institute (

Institute of Dentistry (

Institute of Health Sciences Education (

William Harvey Research Institute (

Wolfson Institute (

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