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Student Health

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

There has recently been an increase in measles cases across England and Europe, particularly among 15 - 25 year olds.

Measles is very infectious, it can cause serious complications and, in rare cases, can be fatal. Measles can be more severe in young people and adults, often leading to hospital admissions.

Measles starts with cold-like symptoms and sore red eyes followed by a high temperature and a red-brown blotchy rash.  If you experience these symptoms, call NHS 111.

If you suspect you have measles stay away from others for at least four days after the rash has appeared. Call NHS 111 if you think you might have measles or have been in contact with someone who has had it.

The best way to protect yourself against measles is to have two doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. MMR is a combined vaccine that protects against 3 separate illnesses – measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) – in a single injection. It is never too late to get the vaccine. There are no risks to your health if you get an extra dose.

Students are strongly advised to check if they had the MMR vaccine. We advise you to check if you have had two doses of the MMR vaccine with your GP before arriving to university and to arrange a catch up if necessary.

International students, if you are unable to access these vaccinations in your home country before coming to Queen Mary University of London, you can get them free of charge from a GP in the UK. If you have not been vaccinated by the time you arrive, make an appointment as soon as you have registered with the Student Health Service on campus or with a local GP.

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