Academic Lead: Dr Sebastian Del Bano Rollin
This course is centered on hands-on projects to provide students with practical experience. The range of data examples are general and cover a broad range of subject areas and industries.
The course covers the following broad areas:
1) Acquisition and preparation of data. EDA. Basic Visualizations. Best practices.
2) Visual Analytics of geospatial data (geographical data, MRI scan data,...)
3) Time series data. Visualization of trends, seasonalities and cycles. Possible applications to medical data (eg. apnea incidence, brain signals) or social media sentiment analysis. Building interactive dashboards and reporting results.
Course content is subject to change.
The module aims to equip students with practical skills in data analysis and visualization techniques essential for extracting actionable insights from complex datasets. The real-world oriented lab sessions and project will help students learn about in exploratory data analysis, geospatial visualization, and interactive dashboard development. Students will gain skills that are highly valued across a wide set of academic and business fields.
You will be taught through a combination of lectures, laboratory work, and workshops.
You will learn/develop:
You will develop/be able to:
Additional costs
All reading material will be provided online, so it is not necessary to purchase any books.
For course and housing fees visit our finance webpage
Course prerequisites:
Basic statistics, elementary usage of a computer, basic computer literacy either Windows or Apple, or Linux.
We welcome Summer School students from around the world. We accept a range of qualifications
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Applications close 26 May 2025
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