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Copy and pasting

It is important to clear all formatting before pasting content into T4. If you don’t do this, accessibility software might struggle to understand the content on the page. 

Cleaning your text

Before you paste any text into T4, it is important to ‘clean’ it. You can do this by first pasting it into notepad (Microsoft computers) or TextEdit (Mac computers). 

When you then copy the text from this software and paste it into T4, make sure to select ‘Edit’ and ‘Paste as text’ from the editor in T4 before pasting. 

The difference

Below is the HTML for the same content pasted into T4 in two different ways. 

Correctly pasted

<p>The world of accountancy and finance is constantly changing. This engaging programme offers a contemporary and specialised approach to accountancy and finance, focusing on the exploration of key practical, theoretical and empirical issues. Enhance your career prospects with an understanding of the complexity of policies and practices.</p>

<p><br />Accredited by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) - a globally recognized professional qualification<br />Study at one of the top economics schools in the country, in one of the financial capitals of the world<br />

Incorrectly pasted

<p><span>The world of accountancy and finance is constantly changing. This engaging programme offers a contemporary and specialised approach to accountancy and finance, focusing on the exploration of key practical, theoretical and empirical issues. Enhance your career prospects with an understanding of the complexity of policies and practices. </span></p>

<p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p>


<li style="font-weight: 400;"><span>Accredited by the</span><a href=""><span> Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)</span></a> <span>- a globally recognized professional qualification  </span></li>

<li style="font-weight: 400;"><span>Study at one of the top economics schools in the country, in one of the financial capitals of the world </span></li>

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