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T4 Support


Hyperlinks allow users to navigate around our webpages and find the correct information. They need to be clear, up to date and accessible.

Adding links to a page

Section, content and external links

If you are adding a link to another page or piece of content on the Queen Mary website, make sure to use ‘section links’ and ‘content links’ rather than use the ‘external link’ option. This will ensure that the link doesn’t break if the page moves, or the URL changes. 

You should only use the ‘external link’ option if you are linking to a webpage outside of the Queen Mary structure. For example, 

Avoid anchor links

Anchor links are often not the most accessible way to navigate through a webpage, so we recommend you use alternative T4 content types, such as tabs or reveal more items. If you would like to discuss alternative ways to achieve your goal, please get in touch using the Content and Brand request form and we can advise you. 

Displaying your links

As well as using the various T4 content types to add a link to a page (for example card items or promo buttons), you might add hyperlinks within your copy. When you do this, it is important to make sure these links are descriptive. This means rather than say ‘click here’, you would describe the destination of the link. 


Don’t say - ‘We’re a Russell Group university. To find out more click here.’ 

Do say - ‘We’re a Russell Group university.’

Further help

If you have any questions about the above, please contact us using the Content and Brand request form and we will be happy to help. 

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