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T4 Support


Videos provide both audio and visual information, so make sure this content is accessible to everyone, including those with hearing or sight difficulties.

Adding videos to a webpage

There are a couple of ways you can add videos to a webpage, including the video embed and video card items. Take a look at the Content Type Directory to see how these look on the page, and how you can add them. 

The above is more accessible that embedding the source code of a YouTube video into a general content paragraph, as they include elements (such as a title) screen readers can use to navigate the page. 

Captions and descriptions (both text and audio)

To ensure videos are accessible, they should have:

  • transcriptions/audio descriptions that explain the visual information in a video
  • captions/transcriptions that explain the audio information in the video

This will ensure users with hearing or sight difficulties will be able to access the content in a way that works for them. YouTube auto-generates this information for you, which is why we ask that you add your videos to YouTube first before embedding them to your webpage. Get in touch with the Social Media team to find out how to upload your videos to an official YouTube channel. 

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