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T4 Support

Accessibility deadline is almost here

Our accessibility deadline is Friday 31 July – we need you to check your websites for accessibility issues and report any problems to us by then.


Why the 31 July deadline

This date gives the Web team time to fix any developer accessibility issues by 23 September 2020 – the deadline the UK Government has set for all public sector websites to meet accessibility requirements, or risk being fined.

If you come across any accessibility issues in your webpages that you don't think you can fix yourself, you must report them to the Web team by 31 July. The team are working hard to fix all issues and will need time to schedule in any problems that you've identified.

Accessibility training

Hopefully you’ve attended one of the five accessibility training sessions we’ve run since March and know what you need to check for. If not, or if you need to refresh your memory, you can access a recording and read our accessibility guidance, which includes a handy checklist.

Making your changes

After 31 July, you should continue to work on fixing the accessibility issues you’ve identified and can fix yourself. You should also make sure that any new content you produce meets accessibility requirements.

Supporting you

Contact us with any questions you might have while you work on your accessibility issues and we will advise and support you throughout this process. Email us at



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