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Featured research stories

As part of the One Web Phase 3 project, we’ve developed a new content type called a ‘Research Feature’. The main impetus behind this is to adapt our REF case study submissions into more narrative, story-led articles suitable for a general audience.


With most REF submissions embargoed until late March 2021, we’re also adapting some REF 2014 stories, as well as other research stories that have been sent to us that have had a significant impact.

You can read the first of these pieces here.

Featured research content strategy

We’ll be displaying Featured research stories in our new central Research section of the corporate website. However, all our user testing indicates most readers are keen to dive into school/institute level content as rapidly as possible.

For that reason, although the stories will be visible in the central area, they’ll be hosted and stored in the school/institute level, so that when someone selects a Featured research story to read, they end up in the related school/institute area.

In the coming months leading to the March 2021 REF embargo date, we’ll be working with individual schools and institutes to make sure you each have Featured research stories to promote. A new component type has been developed to display these stories on your pages, which we would encourage to live on either your top-level school or institite landing page, or the /research page that typically comes directly off this page.

To begin with, we’ve used SBCS as an example of how this will look.

New Featured research components

As well as helping you make Featured research stories visible on your school/institute sites, we’ve also made available to you the ‘Research Feature’ content type.

In effect, this allows you to publish your own Featured research stories. This can be a great option for when high-impact or long-term research has been conducted by academics in or led by your school/institute, and you’d like to make it more visually appealing than just putting together a news story.

You can find documentation on how to construct Featured research stories in T4 in our content type directory.

If after reading the documentation you have any questions or would like help, please reach out to



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