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How to delete your content in T4

Done right, deleting content means our site stays fresh and provides the best user experience. It's also important because pages that have not been deleted properly may still show up in Google. When you think about how large the Queen Mary site is, and how many new pages are created and old ones 'deactivated, this amounts to a lot of old content still showing up online. To avoid this, we need to ensure the deletion process is followed correctly. To do this, there are a few key steps to follow.


How to delete content within a section

1. To delete content within a section, expand the Site Structure until the relevant Section can be seen.

2. Go into the Section, select the Content tab at the top.

3. Select the multiple Content Items by selecting the corresponding checkboxes in the rightmost column of the Content Table.

4. Select the Bulk actions blue button, scroll down and select the action you want - in this case, Delete. 

5. This opens a pop-up window asking you to confirm the deletion.

Delete content

6. To delete just one Content Item, go to the Actions button corresponding to the content. Scroll down to Delete and click.

7. Once you have deleted the Content you want, you should archive it. 

8. Again, you can do this as a bulk action - in this instance, as a Bulk Move.

9. Select the deleted Content Items (these should have the red Inactive label) within your section by checking the boxes to the right.

10. Select the Bulk actions blue button, scroll down and select the action you want - in this case, Move.

Move content

11. Again, this opens the pop-up Site Structure window where you select the Content's destination.

12. By pressing CTRL + F you can search for the Archive folder. It should look like a box file.


How to delete a section

1. Expand the Site Structure until the relevant Section can be seen.

2. Click the Actions button associated with the section you want to delete.

3. Click Delete Section from the menu. A Confirm Delete pop-up window will appear

4. To confirm your selection, click Delete.

5. After you delete, the Section appears highlighted in red. The Section's Status is now Inactive.


After deleting

  • Once deleted, the section will clean up overnight. If this has not occurred, contact the web team at
  • Please do your T4 training as this is all covered in more detail



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