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T4 Support

Most common T4 Web Support queries

We've looked at the most frequently asked questions in your emails to and picked out the five most popular ones. We hope that these answers will help you when you next log in to T4 to update your content.


1. I have published an event/news story/blog post - why has it not gone live?

Items such as news stories, blog posts or events usually reside in an 'Items' section in T4. Links to these items are published onto a listings page (for example, a news landing page).

Once you've created and saved a new item for your event/news story/blog post, you not only need to publish your item, but also the listings page where the link to the item will appear. It's a good idea to publish your new item first, then the page/section on which the link to your item will appear. If you only publish your new item, it will go live but the link to it won't appear on the page listing your news, blog posts or events.

Alternatively, if your update isn't urgent, you could let T4 publish all the items on your website during its daily scheduled publish.

2. How do I delete content? 

To delete an item or a section, select the 'Actions' button next to it and select 'Delete' or 'Delete section'. This will move it to an archived or 'Inactive' state. This will be registered by T4 when the website goes through its daily scheduled publish, and the content you've deleted will be unpublished from the website.

If you want to delete a document or image, it's best to do this in the T4 Media library. T4 will then automatically remove the images and links to documents from the pages on which they appear. Remember to preview your pages after you've deleted the images and documents, and edit any residual text referring to these images or documents.

Deleted or inactive content can always be edited and revived at a later date if you need to do so.

3. Why are my column container and column item not showing on the page?

The column container can display up to four rows of items.

If you've added your column items and column container and can't see them when you preview your page, this is usually because you've missed out the step of linking the container to each item. Once you've created your column items, you will need to go back and edit your column container to add content links to each item, in the order that you want them to appear.

4. I've added an image to a page and it's been resized and looks odd - why?

Our templates are designed to aid usability and responsiveness. Most of the time, when you add an image alongside text, the image will align to the right and the text will wrap around the image. The image is resized, depending on the screen size, and it aligns to the right to aid readability.

On certain pages, the website will publish the images in their original state, which is why you will sometimes have very large images next to smaller ones. All images you publish on the website should be optimised for the web - this means reducing the size of the image file, without reducing the image quality. You can do this easily using free online tools like Pixlr. Read this article on optimizing and cropping with Pixlr to get started.

5. I have saved, approved and published my content - why is it still not live?

Each website is scheduled to push content to live or 'transfer' published content at different intervals during the day. This varies depending on the website - some have scheduled transfers every 30 minutes, others every hour or every two hours.

Once you've published your content, you will need to wait for the next scheduled transfer to see your content live on your website. If you don't know how often your site transfers, email to find out - make a note of this information once you've found it out.

On-demand publishing can put a lot of strain onto the T4 server at busy times, so do please consider whether you really need to hit publish straightaway. All T4 sites are scheduled to publish the entire site once a day (usually overnight) - your new content will publish when this happens. If your new content is previewing as you want it to, this usually means it will go live as you want it to.

If you've followed the guidance above and still find that your content hasn't gone live, then email and we will troubleshoot this for you.



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