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Using the Organisational Unit list to tag news stories and staff profiles

The 'Organisational Unit' field appears in the 'News story - basic' and 'Staff Profile' content types. It’s an alphabetical, fixed, comprehensive list of School, Institutes, Research groups and Research Themes and their subgroups.


The list is used to tag news stories and staff profiles, which helps to categorise them and display them more prominently on the website. You can select one tag or more depending on the content you're tagging.

This blog post explains how to use the list in these two content types and why it's important in each.

News stories

The Organisational Unit list is located at the bottom of the 'News Story - basic' content type. 

Screenshot showing the Organisational Unit dropdown list at the bottom of the News Story basic content typeNow that the new Queen Mary research pages are live, the news stories that appear on the Research Feature pages will depend on whether the Organisational Unit list has been used correctly. If you don't tag your news stories, they will not be picked up by the inbuilt system that showcases them in the 'Latest news' container on the Research Feature pages.

When tagging a news story, always select the relevant school or institute from the Organisational Unit list first, followed by any other applicable tag.

Staff profiles

In the 'Staff profile' content type, the Organisational Unit field is located in the middle of the page, immediately after 'Research Interests' and before 'Performance'.

Screenshot showing Organisational Unit list halfway down the page in the Staff Profile content type

Staff profiles play an important role in the new research pages – the new Find an Expert tool will help users and external visitors find academics more efficiently.

When tagging the Organisational Unit on a staff profile, you should only select user research centres or themes, not schools or institutes.

The Find an Expert tool relies solely on Organisational Unit tags to determine the Research Groups filters, so if none are selected, your staff profile will not appear in the filtered results.




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