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Add events to your site in the form of a searchable table. Events listed in this way can also be pulled through to the central Queen Mary Events calendar.

Event table example

This is what an event table looks like in T4 before any events have been added.



Content types needed

To add events to your page, you need the following content types - 

  • Event listing
  • Event item (this is called 'Event (New)' in the content item list)


Step one - Create your 'Events' section

  1. Identify where you would like your events page to sit on your website, and then create a new section titled 'Events'
  2. In this new section, add the 'Event listing' content type. This is where you events will appear once you are finished.
New Event section

Create a new 'Event' section and tick 'show in navigation'.

Step two - Create your 'Items' section

  1. When in your 'Events' section, create a child section.
  2. Call this new child section 'Items'. It is important to use this exact name so T4 knows where to pull your events from.
  3. Make sure you untick the 'show in navigation' option.
Events child section

How to add a child section to a page in T4.

Create Slides Section - Alternative Option 

  1. Select the site structure view.
  2. Navigate your way to the section where the slider container was created in and to the far right there is a Blue 'Actions' button. Click on the Actions button, a drop-down will pop up.
  3. Select the option "Create Section" and enter the name of the section. 

Step three - Add your events

  1. Add your events to the 'Item' section by selecting the 'Events (New)' content type. 
  2. It is important to fill in each of the fields in the 'Event (New)' content type, including the check boxes and drop down menus.  The below drop down menu details each of the fields, and what information to include there.

'Event (New)' content fields


Give the content type a name which will help you remember what it contains. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.

Display name

Give your event a name that will appear on the public site.

Start date & time

Choose the start date and time.

End date & time

Choose the end date and time.


Where the event is taking place.


Which campus is the event taking place on.

Booking link

Add your booking link here, eg to Eventbrite.

Event summary

Add a short summary of your event.

Event description

Add details about your event.


Add details of your speaker. You can add speaker details in the event description instead if you'd prefer.

Event webpage

Add a URL to an external event webpage here, if relevant.

Event type

Tick all relevant boxes.


Tick all relevant boxes.

Organisational unit

Select which school, institute or department this relates to. You can select more than one option.

Key contact name

Option to add a contact name.

Key contact email

Option to add a contact email.

Primary image

Upload your image here. Images should be 600 by 400 pixels.

File upload

Add any attachments here.

Display event where

Choose whether you want your event to publish on the central events site as well as your site, or if you only want your event on your site.

Step four - Approve and publish your content

  1. Once you are ready to publish your content, select the arrow next to 'save changes' in the bottom right and choose 'save and approve'.
save and approve button

Save and approve button in the bottom right of the screen.


How to Publish the Content

Once the Event(new) content type is saved and approved then there are two steps to follow.

  1. Publish your Event content which is located in the 'Items' section.
  2. Publish the 'Event Section' (parent section) where the event listing content type is located.

Click on the Publish button located at the top of the Event content type.publish button


On the new template.

If you cannot add any of the content types mentioned, email


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