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T4 Support

Facilities listing

This content type is used to describe the facilities used in research or school department pages to showcase what facilities are available for students.

Facilities example

This is what the facility listing looks like when one facility is added.

Content types needed

To add events to your page, you need the following content types - 

  • Facilities listing
  • Full width card with image


Step one - Create the facilities listing

  1. Identify which page in T4 you would like your facilities listing to sit on.
  2. Add the content type 'facilities listing' to that page.
  3. Make sure you fill out 'name' and 'link internal'. Select ‘add section link’ for the ‘link internal’ field and select the child section created called ‘Facility cards’.

Step two - Create the 'Facility cards' section

  1. Create a child section.
  2. Call this new child section 'Facility cards'. It is important to use this exact name so T4 knows where to pull your facility cards from.
  3. Make sure you untick the 'show in navigation' option.
Events child section

How to add a child section to a page in T4.

Create the 'Facility cards' section - alternative option

  1. Select the site structure view.
  2. Navigate your way to the section where the 'facilities listing' was created and to the far right there is a blue 'actions' button. Click on the actions button, a drop-down will pop up.
  3. Select the option 'create section' and name the section 'Facility cards'.

Untick the 'show in navigation' option when you create your 'Facility cards' section.

Step three - Add the 'full width card with image'

  1. Add the 'full width card with image' content type to the facility cards section.

Step four - Approve your content

  1. Once you are ready to publish your content, select the arrow next to 'save changes' in the bottom right and choose 'save and approve' for each 'facilities listing' and 'full width card with image' content type.
save and approve button

Save and approve button in the bottom right of the screen.


Step 5 - How to publish the content

Once the 'facilities listing' and 'full width card with image' content types are saved and approved then there are two steps to follow.

  1. Publish the parent section where the facilities listing content type is created.
  2. Publish the 'facility cards' section (child section) where the 'full width card with image' content type was created.

Click on the 'publish section' located at the top of the section.

Uploading images - important note

You need to make sure you have the appropriate permissions before publishing an image or video. This includes permission of the copyright holder and, in some cases, the permission of anybody in the image (eg a signed consent form). Find out more about this on our Images page


On the new template.

If you cannot add any of the content types mentioned, email


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