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Full width image with caption

The full width image with caption can used for adding images in two different sizes with a caption of your choice at the bottom. This should ideally describe the image.

Example: full width image with caption 

image with caption at the bottom of the image


Step one - Adding the content type

  1. On the page where you want your image to appear, select ‘full width image with caption’ from the list of content types.

Full width image with caption content fields

Name *

Give the content type a name which will help you remember what it contains. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.

Image *

Upload your image here.

Image should be of width 1000px

Image should be of width 800px

Image should be of width 600px

Image should be of width 400px

Width *

You have two options. The width of the image can be the size of

  1. General content width.
  2. Promo block



Add some descriptive text about the image.

content fields of the full width image with caption, fill in the name and different image sizes and a caption

Step two - Approve your content

  1. Once you are ready to publish your content, select the arrow next to 'save changes' in the bottom right and choose 'save and approve'.
save and approve button

Save and approve button in the bottom right of the screen.

Step three - Publish your content

  1. Once the 'full width image' content type is saved and approved then select the 'publish section' button located at the top of the section page where the content type is created.

Uploading images - important note

You need to make sure you have the appropriate permissions before publishing an image or video. This includes permission of the copyright holder and, in some cases, the permission of anybody in the image (eg a signed consent form). Find out more about this on our Images page


Only on the new template.

If you cannot add the content type mentioned, email

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