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Header banner

Header banner

Header banner

What you see above this text is a header banner. Header banners automatically go at the top of a page and are a great way to add colour and show an image or video (from YouTube only).

Note: Don't confuse header banner with banner hero which allows you to add an image and a call to action (CTA) button.

This content type will only work on homepages. It was built specially for homepage designs. Speak to the web team if you're unsure if your page is a homepage.


Step one - Create the content type

  1. Create the header banner content type by pressing the green '+ Add content' button.
  2. Select 'header banner' in the content type list. If it is not there, type 'header banner' in the content type search bar and it should appear.

Step two - Fill in the fields

  1. Fill in the relevant fields.
  2. If you want to show an image, select an image from the media library by clicking 'select media' and searching for it in the right folder. If it has not been uploaded before, upload it to the relevant folder.
    Note: You might not have permission to a folder if the green '+ Media' button isn't on the top right of the media library window.
  3. If you want to show a video instead of an image, copy the URL from YouTube and paste it in the 'YouTube video ID' field. The YouTube ID is the code after the '=' sign in the URL. This is in bold in the following:
Header banner info fields

Step three - Publish your content

  1. Click the small down arrow next to 'Save changes' so it opens a small window.
  2. Click 'Save and approve'.
  3. Publish the header banner itself and the (child) section it sits within to make sure it is published.

Uploading images - important note

You need to make sure you have the appropriate permissions before publishing an image or video. This includes permission of the copyright holder and, in some cases, the permission of anybody in the image (eg a signed consent form). Find out more about this on our Images page


Only on the new template.


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