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T4 Support

Link block

A link block links out to a page/subject related to the page the audience member is on.

Link block example


Step one - Create the link block

  1. Identify which page in T4 you would like the link block to sit on.
  2. Add the content type link block to that section.
  3. Choose where the link block links out to, if it's an internal link then it can be a section or content item, otherwise you can add an external link.

Step two - Approve your content

  1. Once you are ready to publish your content, select the arrow next to 'save changes' in the bottom right and choose 'save and approve'.
save and approve button

Save and approve button in the bottom right of the screen.

Step three - Publish your content

  1. Once the link block content type is saved and approved then select the publish section button located at the top of the section page where the content type is created.


Only on the new template.

If you cannot add the content type mentioned, email


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