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The logo grid item and container work together to display logos. Use these content types to display logos in rows of three.

Logos example

3 logos in a row

Content types needed

To add logos to your page, you need the following content types - 

  • Logo grid container
  • Logo grid item


Step one - Add the logo grid container

  1. On the page where you want your logos to appear, select ‘logo grid container’ from the list of content types.
  2. Logo grid container fields:

    • Namegive the content type a name that will help you remember what it contains. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.

Step two - Create the 'Logos' section

  1. Create a child section called "Logos". It is important to use this exact name so T4 knows where to pull your logos from.
  2. Make sure you untick the 'show in navigation' option.
  3. In this section is where all the logo grid items are created (step 3).
  4. The 'logo grid container' will pull the 'logo grid items' automatically from the child section 'Logos'.Screenshot of logos folder on T4

Create the logos section - Alternative option 

  1. Select the site structure view.
  2. Navigate your way to the section where the logo grid container was created and to the far right there is a blue 'actions' button. Click on the actions button, a drop-down will pop up.
  3. Select the option "create section" and enter the name of the section. 
new T4 logo section

How to add a Logo section to a page in T4.

Step three - Add the logo grid item

  1. Once the "Logos" section is created. In the section add your logos using the content type 'logo grid item'.

Step four - Publish your content

  1. Select the Logos section,  'save and approve' the logo grid items and publish the section.
  2. Navigate to the section where the logo grid container is setup. Save and approve the 'logo grid container' and publish the section.


Only on new template.


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