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The 'news listing' and 'news story - basic' content types work together to display news on your site. Once you've built your news stories, the title, date, image and introduction fields from these news stories automatically display on your landing page. It will look like the below.

A photograph of a democratic protest Exploring the challenges and pitfalls of democratic politics
8 July 2020

In the first of a new series of In Conversation events, Queen Mary’s Global Policy Institute (GPI) and the Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS) hosted a discussion concerning the challenges and pitfalls of democratic politics today.

Queen Mary to launch innovative doctoral training programme in Data Science and Engineering Queen Mary to launch innovative doctoral training programme in Data Science and Engineering
1 July 2020

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) have awarded £1.6m funding to Queen Mary University of London for a programme to encourage people from non-academic backgrounds to pursue doctoral training.

Queen Mary Dentistry Professor finds a low-cost, non-intrusive solution to save children’s teeth Queen Mary Dentistry Professor finds a low-cost, non-intrusive solution to save children’s teeth
1 June 2020

A study led by Queen Mary’s Professor of Dental Public Health, Professor Cynthia Pine, has identified a low-cost and low-intensity intervention technique that could prevent tooth decay for thousands of children across the UK.

How to

News listing

Select 'News listing' from the list of content types and fill out relevant fields.

  • Name: give the content type a name which will help you remember what it contains. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.
  • Display .RSS: Tick this box if you want your news stories to be made available as an RSS feed. Adds an RSS logo to the page
  • RSS title: If Display RSS is ticked, add the title that will appear at the top of your RSS feed.
  • RSS description: If Display RSS is ticked, add a description of the content within your RSS feed.
  • Save

News items

  • First, create a folder called 'Items' below the section where you have created your news listing content type. It's really important this folder is called 'Items', as otherwise your news items won't pull through onto your page.

Screenshot of what an items folder looks like in T4

  • Make sure you untick the 'show in navigation' field when you create this folder - you don't want this appearing in the navigation. 

Screenshot of items folder with the show in navigation field unticked

Now, create your news items in your 'Items' folder.

Select 'News story - basic' from the list of content types and fill out relevant fields.

  • Name: give the content type a name which will help you remember what it contains. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.
  • Display name: give your news story a name that will appear on the public site.
  • Short title: add a shortened version of your news story title. Can be ignored as it is not in the default listing
  • Keywords: add relevant keywords here to make your news story appear in more searches.
  • Description: add a brief summary of the story.  The description is often displayed in search engine results.
  • Date released: choose the date the story went live.  The date will be display on the listing and the story itself.
  • Introduction: add your introduction here. Text in this field will be automatically formatted in our larger, blue font used for intro text.
  • Main story: add your main story here. 
  • Primary image: images added here will appear on the news item, not on the news listing. Images should be 600 px by 400 px.
  • Primary image caption: add a caption for your image. This will appear under your primary image.
  • Secondary image: images added here will be used for the news listing. Images should be 150 px by 100 px.
  • Sub: can be ignored unless you want to have subject specific news listing pages.  Contact the Web team for more information.
  • Organisational unit: select which school, institute or department this relates to. Is not displayed and can be ignored.
  • Save

Uploading images - important note

You need to make sure you have the appropriate permissions before publishing an image or video. This includes permission of the copyright holder and, in some cases, the permission of anybody in the image (eg a signed consent form). Find out more about this on our Images page

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