Column promos work with column containers to display content in two, three or four columns. These are good content types to use for a landing page or a homepage to signpost to content.
Here is what three column promos in a container look like with a description, in three different colours, and with the button text the same as the heading text:
We bring together top thinking and research to tackle global challenges.
Read policy proposals from our fellows and Queen Mary researchers.
We aim to be a leader in policy and transdisciplinary research worldwide.
To add promo columns to your page, you need the following content types -
Give the content type a name which will help you remember what it contains. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.
Add a title which displays on the public site, eg 'Projects'.
You can add a description here. Text will appear below the heading and above the button.
Use the section or content link buttons to add an internal link, depending on the type of content you are linking to. Do not use this field if you are adding an external link.
Keep this box ticked if you want the button text to stay the same as the heading (eg 'Projects'). If you untick this box, it will reveal a new field - 'enter custom link text' - where you can enter alternative button text (eg 'What we do').
Paste an external URL here to link to an external page.
This will appear as the button text. Only use this if you are linking to an external link.
Select a colour for your promo.
Give the content type a name that will help you remember what it contains. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.
Add a title which displays on the public site. This does not need to be filled out.
Decide if you want two, three, or four 'column promos'.
Select 'add content link' (not section link) and find the 'column promo' you just built from the site structure.
Repeat with as many columns as needed.
Save and approve button in the bottom right of the screen.
You must create your column promos and your column container for content to appear. If you only create column promos, the content will not pull through onto your site.
You can build multiple rows of column promos and containers. Just repeat the steps above. You will need to build a separate column container for each row.
Only in the new template.