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Mini promo

Mini promos are small promo blocks that can align left, right or centre. They share the same design as column promos. But unlike column promos, they appear as single blocks to the left or right of text, and don't need a column container.

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Mini promo example

As you can see, the mini promo is aligned to the right, with the text arranged on the left-hand side.

We advise keeping the title and description short. You also have the choice of using different background colours such as jade, purple, orange and grey.

*Note: Make sure the 'general content' is below the 'mini promo' content type, for the alignment to work.


Step one - Create the mini promo

  1. In the section, to add content, select the green '+ Add content' button.
  2. Select the 'Mini promo' from the list of content types.
  3. Fill out the relevant fields, the screenshot below is an example of how the above mini promo example was created.
gives a description on the input fields to fill in to create a mini promo


Step two - Publish your content

  1. Save and approve the 'Mini promo' content type.
  2. Then select the 'Publish section' button located at the top of the section page where the content type was created.


New template only.

If you cannot add any of the content types mentioned, email



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