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Promo block

Promo blocks are blocks of colour that span the width of the page with a call to action button, a title, and an option to add a description. They are good for promoting events, campaigns, or important announcements.

Promo block example


PhD open evening - Wednesday 7 November

Get help planning your application and maximise your chances of finding funding.

Register now


Step one - Create the promo block

  1. In the relevant section, select the green '+ Add content' button.
  2. Select the 'promo block' from the list of content types.
  3. Fill out the relevant fields, the screenshot below is an example of how the above promo block example was created.

Promo block content fields

Name *

Give the promo block content type a name that will help you remember what it's promoting. This won't appear on the public webpage, only in T4.


Add a title that displays on the public site, eg 'PhD open evening - 7 November'.

Text block 

You can add a description here. Text will appear below the heading and above the button.


Use the section or content link buttons to add an internal link, depending on the type of content you are linking to. Do not use this field if you are adding an external link.

Use default link text:

Keep this box checked if you want the button text to stay the same as the heading (eg 'Registration page'). If you uncheck this box, it will reveal a new field - 'Enter custom link text' - where you can enter alternative button text (eg 'Register now').

External link:

Paste an external URL here to link to an external page.

External link text: 

This will appear as the button text. Only use this if you are linking to an external link.


Select a colour for your promo block.



these are input fields of the promo block


Step two - Publish your content

  1. Save and approve the 'Promo block' content type.
  2. Then select the 'Publish section' button located at the top of the section page where the content type was created.


Only in the new template.

If you cannot add the content type, email




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