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T4 Support

Staff profiles

Staff profiles are not only important for Queen Mary academics, but are useful on any external Queen Mary webpage promoting your department or team.

Content types needed

To add a staff profile, you need the following content types -

  • Staff listing (this is the container which will house all of your individual staff profiles)
  • Staff profile (these are where you will fill in all the fields, giving details about each staff member)


Step one - Add your Staff listing item

  1. Locate the section you want the staff profiles to appear in.
  2. Add the 'Staff listing' content type where you would like your staff profiles to appear.
  3. Fill in the fields and select whether you want it to be full-width or two-columns wide.

Step two - Create a child section

  1. Create a child section under the above mentioned page, and mark it as hidden from navigation.
  2. Name this child section 'Profiles'. This is where your staff profiles should go.

Step three - Create your staff profiles

  1. Within this new child section, select the 'Staff profile' content type from the list of content types.
  2. Fill out the relevant fields for each member of staff.

Step four - Publish your content

  1. Save and approve the 'Staff profile' content type.
  2. Then select the 'Publish section' button located at the top of the section page where the content type was created.


Only in the new template.

If you cannot add the content type, email


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