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Use stats to promote statistics or facts on your pages. You can create a singular stat content type or create a row of stats that align in the middle.


Learn how to

create the stat content type

Stats (singular)

The 'stat' content type allows you to show a singular stat. You can enter your text in three different font sizes and it is shown as a circle in yellow. It has a transparent background by default, but you can also choose between the colours jade, orange and purple.

92% of graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduating

*based on a survey of UK students only (DHLE 2016/17)

Row of stats

You can create a row of three stats by creating a container, and putting three 'stat' content types in it. The 'stat'  content type options therefore remain the same, but you have the added options of giving the row of stats a heading, grey background and a blue button that leads to another page.

Learn how to

create a row of stats

Row of stats


Top20 in the UK

Queen Mary is 19th in the UK and 114th worldwide (QS Subject rankings 2021)

92%of graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduating

*based on a survey of UK students only (DHLE 2016/17)

Queen Mary is one of the UK’s leading universities

Russell Group logo
Button text
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