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Row of stats

This content type is used to display three stats in a row as opposed to a singular stat. They're a good way to add some colour and variety to your page and highlight key facts and stats, especially on a text-heavy page.


You can create a row of three stats by creating a container, and putting three 'Stat' content types in it. The 'stat'  content type options therefore remain the same, but you have the added options of giving the row of stats a heading, grey background and a blue button that leads to another page.


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Queen Mary is one of the UK’s leading universities

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Step one - Create a stat container

Your row of stats need to sit within a container otherwise they won't show on the page. Creating the container first will ensure that you don't forget this step.

  1. Create the 'Stat container' content type by pressing the green '+ Add content' button.
  2. Select 'Stat container' in the content type list. If it is not there, type its name in the content type search bar and it should appear.

Step two - Fill in the fields

  1. Fill in the relevant fields. Only the name is required so the rest can be left empty.

Step three - Create the stats in a child section

In order for the stats to show on the page inside the stat container, you'll have to put them in a child section of the page that you are editing.

  1. Create a child section.
  2. Name this child section as 'Stats'.

Note: It is crucial to name the section exactly as written above otherwise the stat content types won't be pulled through to the page.

Step four - create three stat content types in the child section

  1. Create a 'stat' content type.
  2. Filling in their relevant fields and pick their colour background.
  3. Repeat for your other two stats.

For more information, please refer to the stat content type.

Step five - publish your content

  1. Click the small down arrow next to 'save changes' so it opens a small window.
  2. Click 'save and approve'.
  3. Repeat for all your stats and stat container.
  4. Publish the (child) section they sit within to make sure it is published.
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