T4 Boilerplate Templates
In this section, you can find pre-designed templates that act as a helpful guide for creating webpages. These templates ensure consistency and incorporate best practices for setting up a website. To get access to them, please email websupport@qmul.ac.uk
Landing pages
A landing page is designed to be the first page your user might see on your website. It should introduce the user to a particular subject, and then signpost them on to pages containing more specific information.
The most obvious landing page you will create is your homepage, but you may also have other smaller landing pages introducing more specific topics.
Content pages
A content page is where the bulk of information about one particular topic will sit. The user may have found this page via one of your landing pages, from searching online, or via a link from an external source such as a newsletter.
What your content pages will look like will depend on the information you are including. You can choose your template based on the type of content you would like the page to focus on.