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T4 Support

This page has everything you need to get to grips with T4, refresh existing knowledge, request help with content or update existing web content, and expand your knowledge of best practice and accessibility.

T4 training and T4 users

T4 training is now available on QMplus. All staff can self enrol on the T4 training module. 

New users

You will need to set up an account on T4 to complete the training. Email to request a new T4 account and access to the training area. 

Getting access to your sites

Once you've completed the training, email with your training completion certificate to request access to the sites you need to edit. We will only give access to sites once you've completed your training.

Already done the training?

If you're an experienced user on T4, you may still find the QMplus training helpful. You'll find handy tips on T4 best practices, as well as guidance on accessibility and SEO.

Use the QMplus training as a useful resource to further your knowledge on T4.

T4 user manual

If you need further advice on T4, read our T4 user manual.

T4 resources

Webpage guidance

Download the presentation on T4 templates and best practice.

Web page template guidance [PDF 2,401KB]

Website accessibility

Download the presentation on ensuring best accessibility practice as a website contributor.

Web best practice presentation [PPT 6,968KB]

Accessible documents guidance

Guidance for 'Ally' [PDF 2,516KB]

Content and Brand request form

If you need help with refreshing your existing web content or with content for a new website, the Content and Brand team can help. 

Content and Brand request form

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