Edit your course
Once you're in the course description, follow our guidance below to edit your courses.
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You will need to reqeust access if you've never edited courses before. Email websupport@qmul.ac.uk to request access.
Do not edit the first three fields
![Screenshot of first 3 fields of biology course](/t4-support/media/t4-support/updating-courses/biology-large.jpg)
Overview intro
A snappy one-liner to introduce your course, automatically formatted to be in larger, blue font.
Around 200 words describing what makes this course unique or interesting.
Professional recognition
Up to 70 words to add any accreditation that your course has.
Structure - intro
Explain your structure following the format below:
You can complete your [eg Economics and Finance degree] in [eg three, four or five years]. If you choose to [eg do a year in industry or study abroad], this will take place in Year 3 and Year 3 modules will instead be studied in Year 4. [adapt or omit as necessary]
There are a range of fields here. Only fill out the fields relevant to your course, for example:
- the modules for your foundation year (structure - foundation)
- the modules for each year of study (structure - year 1, structure - year 2 etc)
- information about study options - eg integrated foundation year, year in industry, MSci, professional placement, intercalacted degrees, MEng, year abroad, additional costs, additional languages. Only fill out fields relevant to your course.
Do not add headings to any of these fields, eg 'Year 1', 'Year 2'. Do not add the disclaimer that appears at the bottom of each field on the live page: 'Please note that all modules are subject to change'. These fields are automatically populated.
Teaching and learning
70 words to describe teaching and learning. Adpat your copy to the format below:
You'll receive approximately three hours of weekly contact time per module, comprising lectures led by academic staff and smaller seminar groups.
For every hour spent in class, you'll complete a further two to three hours of independent study. This time is spent reading, preparing for study sessions, working on projects and revising for exams.
Usually one sentence, example text below.
Assessment typically includes a combination of coursework (presentations, assignments, essay report writing, in-class tests, research and project work) and/or examinations in May or June.
Resources and facilities
Usually around 100 words, following the template below:
The School offers excellent on-campus resources to aid your studies, including:
- 3-6 bullet points
- 3-6 bullet points
- 3-6 bullet points
Learn another language
Optional field to add details about learning another language - example text below:
If you’re interested in learning another language, you can sign up for a course at Queen Mary’s Language Centre, where you can choose from Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Japanese or Spanish.
Career opportunities
Add 100 words about the types of careers this programme will equip students for and the sectors that graduates could go into. Then add examples of companies that recent graduates have gone to work for, following the template below:
Recent graduates have been hired by:
- 3-6 bullet points
- 3-6 bullet points
Career support
Add 100 words here about what careers support is available to students on this course, or to your school as a whole, then add the standard careers text below:
Our careers team can also offer:
- specialist advice on choosing a career path
- support with finding work experience, internships and graduate jobs
- feedback on CVs, cover letters and application forms
- interview coaching.
Learn more about career support and development at Queen Mary.
Student testimonial
Up to 75 words. Include an image if possible.
Student name, course and graduation year
This will appear under the student testimonial and should follow this format:
Fatima Moosa, History (2019)
Take a look at some example courses to see how they look when they're published:
- English BA
- Biomedical Sciences BSc
- Geography BA
- Intercalated Neuroscience BSc (intercal)