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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

TELT Newsletter - April 2023


LinkedIn Learning – Curating Video Content

Many staff have now engaged with Linkedin Learning videos/courses for their own CPD and to promote content to their students. Should you wish to choose elements of existing video content and add your own custom content to them, the LinkedIn Learning curator role will allow you to do so! Once curated, videos can then be published and recommended to students – either by group or by adding the links to QMplus module areas. Curated content can be shared quickly and easily as URLs and through their use, can ensure that pre-requisites to learning are understood. So, whether its R Programming, ensuring students’ digital literacy is appropriate through MS Office training or soft skills required for undertaking assessment tasks, LinkedIn has over 16,000 hours of content to help.

To receive the curator role, please speak to your school’s elearning contact to request it, or should you have any questions regarding Linkedin Learning please email.

Let’s meet…

This month we meet Christian Grozdanov, Digital Learning Technologist for the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.

Let’s Meet Christian Grozdanov

Qudos Corner

This month we have some positive feedback from some of our staff development sessions:

TELT016 – Introduction to Blackboard Ally

  • “The session was very helpful and Catherine was great. Thank you.”
  • “The clear demonstrations were helpful. Cat is clearly very knowledgeable and well informed on the subject.”

TELT020 Teaching Space Awareness

  • “I wouldn’t make any improvement to this session, the session was excellent! Thank you so much for the most interesting and inspiring workshop!” [Simon was the trainer]

TELT014 – Getting Started with MS Teams (Semester B 2022-23)

  • “it was very interactive”
  • “Going through the options on Teams methodically to help familiarise us”
  • “The friendly supportive trainer” [Simon was the trainer]


  • Question 1 (Staff): I am unable to annotate students’ submissions, to provide them with feedback on their document. What should I do?

Answer 1: Please check in the assignment settings under ‘Submission types’ and ensure the option ‘coursework coversheet’ is not enabled. This option is intended to be used with physically handed in documents and not digital files. If you are still experiencing the issue after doing so please contact the helpdesk team.

  • Question 2: I uploaded my assignment submission but it says it is currently in a draft status, how do I submit?

Answer 2: Depending on the assignment’s settings, this may require students to click a final submit button after uploading their document. It will appear at the end of your submission page (below the edit and remove buttons) and resembles the image below:

  • Question 3: I accidentally submitted the wrong version of my assignment document, can you help me to resubmit?

Answer 3: Please contact your module convenor as soon as possible to explain the situation and receive assistance with potentially resubmitting.

Tips and tricks Lessons learned from QMplus Assessment Part Two

One of the most functional tools for assessment available in QMplus is the inbuilt Assignment activity  which allows students to submit work for grading. Assignments offer staff a wide range of possibilities to build an assessment including multiple methods of grading and providing feedback.

In this article John Seamons explore an important setting “Require students to click the submit button” which can be easily overlooked or underestimated.

Tips and tricks for online exams and assessment

The TELT recently hosted a couple of sessions centred around QMplus Quizzes and Assignments with the aim of helping staff further their understanding of the activities and to share some knowledge, tips and tricks that the team have accumulated recently through our support of online exams and assessment.

Both sessions were well attended with over 40 attendees across the two sessions making it a great opportunity to share good practice in a peer-to-peer environment. Below you will find some useful links to a write up and recording of one of the sessions, but please get in contact if you’d be interested in exploring this topic further.

Here is a link to a page with the top tips used at the session.

Here is a recording on the TELT top tips when setting up QMplus assessments.

Upcoming training courses

Limited spaces available on the following courses in May and June:

TELT012 – An Introduction to QM’s lecture capture system – Q-Review (based on Echo360) 3/5/2023 10:00 – 12:00
TELT001 – Getting Started with QMplus 24/05/2023 14:00 – 16:00
TELT014a – MS Teams in Teaching (interaction) 25/05/2023 10:00 – 11:30
TELT016 – Introduction to Blackboard Ally 22/06/2023 10:00 – 11:30
TELT001 – Getting Started with QMplus 28/06/2023 14:00 – 16:00

For more information, and to book, please go to the course bookings page and search for course code ‘TELT’




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