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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

TELT Newsletter - September 2023


TELT Welcome Week Inductions 2023

Read about the fantastic work done by TELT and our amazing Student Ambassadors for Welcome Week.

Sign up to a workshop: “Getting Started with QMplus” 18/10/23 14:00-16:00

Are you a new member of staff at QMUL who would like to learn more about QMplus?

An existing member of staff who would like a refresher?

Or do you know a colleague/s who may benefit from learning more about QMplus?

If so, please sign up or pass on details of an online workshop being run by TELT “TELT001 - Getting Started with QMplus” on Wednesday 18 October 2023 between 14:00-16:00.

First monthly Mentimeter mention - Mentimote

This is the first in an (occasional) newsletter Mentimeter mention designed to highlight innovations or spotlight existing features of the interactive presentation software that we have a site-wide licence for at QMUL.
This month we’re focusing on Mentimote – a Mentimeter feature that allows you to use your smartphone as a remote to control your presentations in the classroom.  

What does Mentimote do? 

It enables you to view your presenter notes, slide previews, change slides, open and close voting and control your presentation while moving around the lecture theatre instead of being stuck next to the board. Make your presentations less teacher-centered and more interactive. 
How does it work? 
You simply have to log into your account at via your smartphone, open Mentimote on the relevant presentation and start presenting. It really is that simple, but just to get a better idea of what you can do with it, watch the following short video that walks you through it.

Let’s Meet… Tatiana Costa

This month Dawn Buzzard met with Tatiana Costa from the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film for a chat about her background and her work within the school.

Qudos Corner

We would like to give a shout out to TELT staff involved in the recent ‘Getting Started with QMplus’ training sessions who have received positive feedback:

TELT001 - Getting Started with QMplus

• “The patience and understanding of Annette and Rume. Great examples and clear explanations”

• “The tasks, as they enabled us to practice using QMPlus in a practical way, which we are more likely to remember”

• “I thought it was a helpful and interactive session. I learnt a lot thank you! :)”

• “It was really useful to see the platform from a student’s perspective and what issues they might come across. Particularly with hiding and restricting access to modules etc.”

• “Use of breakout rooms to allow everyone to get involved with the task”

• “Gave me a very good insight”

• “Content covered all the necessary aspects of the session, provided with many useful links for further information”

• “Very nice, Clare went through everything”

• “Having an opportunity to practice the learning and getting to know the basics. Sometimes courses can skip the basics which makes it very hard to use a system effectively, so I'm

pleased you took time to go over it all”

• “I thought it was really helpful and interactive session. I learnt a lot thank you! :)”

• “William was a great teacher, and the training was really useful!"

Have you seen us on Instagram?

We now have a presence on Instagram! This is regularly monitored by our TEL student ambassadors, who are here to help our new students as well as those returning to campus.

Students can learn top tips directly from our student ambassadors and get updates on our activities, including tips on QMplus, assignment submissions, lecture recordings and many more.

You can find us on instagram here:


Here are some useful answers to FAQs on QMplus:

Q1: Students cannot see their modules on QMplus

A: Students should do a search for their module. This can be done by navigating to dashboard and typing the course module code in the ‘Module Search’ box. They then click on the ‘Search All Modules’ button and if the module appears greyed out it means the module is hidden. Staff will need to unhide the module for their students to be able to see and access them.

Q2: Cannot log into QMplus, message showing ‘You are logged into QM+ but don't have an account in Moodle’

A: QMplus account has not been created yet. Please raise a ticket via ITS helpdesk or a TELT Support team member will then create the missing QMplus account.

Q3: Previous years modules cannot be unstarred since the update

A: QMplus has recently been upgraded and the interface has changed slightly. Modules can be accessed from the 'My Modules' tab on the pink sidebar. From here, modules can be starred/unstarred by clicking on the three dots. When a module is starred, it will appear on the Dashboard.



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