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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

Real-time captioning with Caption.Ed


Caption.Ed provides instant and on-demand captions for virtually all live or pre-recorded media. It also produces a fully editable and downloadable transcript, and works either within your web browser or via a desktop application. 

The Technology Enhanced Learning Team (TELT) and DDS are currently piloting this new service. it is available to those with a disability, Specific Learning Difference (SpLD), or mental health condition, those for whom English is not their first language and who would benefit for a language translation, and those on a medicine or dentistry course who would like to try out the effectiveness of the medical dictionary. 

How does it work? 

Caption.Ed is available to download as a PC or Mac desktop application, or as a Chrome extension directly in your web browser.

Once you’ve used the software and the video is complete, Caption.Ed provides you with an editable, downloadable transcript. These transcripts can be overlayed back onto the media you recorded.

Watch this video to find out more and to see it in action. 

How do I access it? 

Once you have your login details, you can either download the desktop application, or add the extension to your Chrome browser using the instructions below.

Desktop application:
Chrome extension:

Once you’ve downloaded your preferred version, have a look at the Student Dashboard video, which will take you through what you’ll see once you start using Caption.Ed.

Student Dashboard video 

What should I use it for? 

You can use Caption.Ed on Blackboard Collaborate recordings, Teams recordings, Zoom recordings and any ‘live’ classroom events. As this is only a pilot scheme, we have a limited number of hours to use during the academic year within our licence. 

What if I still have questions? 

If you have questions about the software, there are a number of different options where you can get help:

  1. In the Chrome extension, use the menu button to access the user guides, FAQs and Support Centre,
  2. When logged into your user account, you can access the Support Centre by clicking on the question mark icons,
  3. In the desktop application, you can access your online user account or the Support Centre via the Caption.Ed dialog box.

What's next?

At the end of the spring or summer term (2022), we will be contacting Caption.Ed users to gather feedback about the system, so please look out for communications from the central Technology Enhanced Learning Team (TELT) or the Disability & Dyslexia Service. 



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